Dear insight-users,<br><br>I have been modifying one of the libraries of ITK for including it in my project, but I have found a problem because the CMake doesn't create the file .lib, so I cannot build the project using the Visual Studio 2005 without any error. In the souce project of my folder, I have a subfolder called: Library which contains the .txx and .h files.<br>
<br><br>PROJECT(myProject)<br><br>FIND_PACKAGE(ITK)<br>IF(ITK_FOUND)<br> INCLUDE(${USE_ITK_FILE})<br>ENDIF(ITK_FOUND)<br><br>INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${myProject_SOURCE_DIR}/Library) <br><br>LINK_DIRECTORIES (${myProject_BINARY_DIR}/Library)<br>
<br>ADD_LIBRARY (myfunctions Library/itkBinaryBallStructuringElement_modified.txx)<br><br>SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(myfunctions PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C) <br>//without the previous line I obtained the following error in the CMake: CMake cannot determine linker language for target<br>
<br>ADD_EXECUTABLE (myProject myProject.cxx)<br><br>TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (myProject ITKCommon ITKIO myfunctions )<br><br>Thanks in advance for your help<br>Best regards<br>Irene<br>