<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td style='font: inherit;'>I have CT image volume. I have the series in DICOM format. I have to extract a surface which represents bone from the volume. <br>Then I want to triangulate the surface and get normals to the triangle at every vertex. <br>I dont have to necessarily visualize isosurface. My only requirement is isonormals. Can I do this in ITK or I will have to use VTK functions?<br>I just started using ITK 2 weeks ago. I downloaded VTK too. I saw an example of isosurface extraction in the examples folder in vtk. But still I am not even comfortable to use ITK so far I dont want to jump to VTK unless it is absolutely necessary.<br><br>Thanks <br><br>Hrishi<br> </td></tr></table><br>