Dear all,<br><br>When I run the itkDiscreteGaussianImageFilter with <b>unsigned char</b>
pixels, I get this error:<br><br>d:\itk\source\insighttoolkit-3.4.0\code\basicfilters\itkNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter.txx:96:<br><div id="1et6" class="ArwC7c ckChnd">itk::ERROR: NeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter(017D9CF0): This filter can only create images <br>
of signed data type.<br><br>I also get a warning when I set the variance to 1 and the MaximumKernelWidth is set to 2. The warning <br>says that the dimensions of the Kernel are excedeed, but if the variance=5 and the Kerne=10, I don't get<br>
any error. The image size is: 45x45x35x10.<br><br>Could anybody help me?<br>Best regards</div>Bert<br>