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<p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">I am using the ImageViewer to explore 3D MRI images. The Images are taken from the MR in DICOM format and
converted to ".mah" using ConvertBetweenFileFormats
application. <br>My problem: The coordinates reported by the
ImageViewer do not match the coordinates reported by the MR. I found
old massages, claiming that the ImageViewer ignores several tags.
(<a href="http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2006-April/017407.html">http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2006-April/017407.html</a>).
<br>1. Can you confirm my analysis (that the coordinates difference
stems from ignoring tags such as IPP and IOP) ?<br>2. Can I find an improved
version of ImageViewer somewere?<br>3. Suppose there is no solution
to the ImageViewer problem, I should develop a workaround. In my
application I import landmarks generated in another
proprietary application. How can I transform those landmarks to the
"wrong" coordinates presented by the