Dear All<br><br>I am new to the ITK, But really fascinated about its capability and robustness. However I am facing following problem <br><br>1. When I successfully run my project x.cxx....x.exe is generated in debug folder. It is working fine on my machine. <br>
when I copied my debug folder to my friends machine same configuration (Windows + VC++ 2007) but no ITK installed.<br>It doesnt work.<br><br>However When I build ITK on my machine I used shared Library ON. <br><br><br>2. Now , I wanted to use My ITK exe to be worked on our cluster (Linux + Matlab) <br>
<br>What I want is that,<br><br>/// With in cluster (uses Linux + Matlab build)<br><br>System('myITK.exe param1 param2 ...');<br><br>PS: myITK.exe is build on my laptop (windows)<br><br><br>Can any one help me! I really want to use ITK in my Matlab project. But unfortunately my cluster is on Linux.....can any one let me know how to resolve this problem.<br>
<br><br>Thanks in advance! <br><br><br>Regards<br>Robert<br>