Hello,<br><br>I've been trying to use a Spatial Object Duplicator to get an exact copy of some Spatial Objects. I've had no problems with ellipseSpatial Objects, but when I try to duplicate a CylinderSpatialObject, I get the following Error Message:<br>
<br>Could not create an instance of CylinderSpatialObject_3<br>The usual cause of this error is not registering the SpatialObject with SpatialFactory<br>Currently registered Transforms: <br> "DTITubeSpatialObject_3"<br>
"EllipseSpatialObject_3"<br> "GroupSpatialObject_3"<br><br>My code:<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">typename MovingSpatialObjectType::Pointer currentSO;<br>typedef itk::SpatialObjectDuplicator<MovingSpatialObjectType> DuplicatorType;<br>
typename DuplicatorType::Pointer duplicator = DuplicatorType::New();<br><br>duplicator->SetInput(this->m_MovingSpatialObject);<br>duplicator->Update();<br></div><br>I just don't understand what I should do with the SpatialFactory to make this work. What am I doing wrong?<br>
<br>Thank you<br><br><br clear="all">Antonio Foncubierta<br>