Hi all,<br><br>I am a new ITK user, and I have a couple of questions about the ITK FEM library.<br><br>I would like to test how FEM registration would work on the registration of MRI brain images, pre- & post- tumor removal surgery.<br>
<br>I have already studied the DeformableRegistration1.cxx example, and played around with the parameters.<br><br>I also had a look at the "Non-Rigid registration methods" tutorial (<a href="http://www.itk.org/CourseWare/Training/NonRigidRegistrationMethods.pdf">http://www.itk.org/CourseWare/Training/NonRigidRegistrationMethods.pdf</a>). <br>
<br>So if you can give me some hints about....<br>1) the creation of multiple materials... is the source code of your example page 80 in the tutorial available?<br>2) Is the source code to visualize the meshes - same page in the tutorial -, available ? That would save me some time....<br>
3) how to define manually loads (in specifics directions at specific points)... ?<br><br>... that would be awesome!<br><br>Thanks<br><br>-- <br>Jean-Baptiste<br>