Is there an itkPointSetWriter? Or are you supposed to convert pointsets to images using PointSetToImageFilter and then use itkImageWriter? I have been using VTK and am just learning ITK so I am trying to draw parallels... it seems like an itkImage is like a vtkStructuredGrid, and an itkPointSet is like a vtkUnstructuredGrid/vtkPolyData. The reason I am looking for an itkPointSetFileWriter is because there is a vtkPolyDataWriter which I use to write unstructured 3d point sets.<br>
<br>Am I missing something? Or can someone explain how point clouds are intended to be stored/retrieved with itk? I noticed in some examples (i.e. ICP) that the points were just stored as ascii values in a .txt file - is this the standard procedure?<br>
<br clear="all">Thanks,<br><br>David<br>