I am trying to understand the parameters to the BSplineDeformableTransform in the BSplineWarping1.cxx example.<br><br>1) As I understand the parameters are actually just a set of deformation vectors. The location of theses vectors are distributed uniformly over the image but the orientation and magnitude of the vectors might vary during the registration.<br>
<br>2) When defining the grid extra "vectors" outside the image must be defined following the below rule from the example:<br><br><br>// Since we are using a B-spline of order 3, the coverage of the BSpling grid<br>
// should exceed by one the spatial extent of the image on the lower region of<br>// image indices, and by two grid points on the upper region of image indices.<br>// We choose here to use a $8 \times 8$ B-spline grid, from which only a $5<br>
// \times 5$ sub-grid will be covering the input image.<br><br>But why?<br><br>If p=3 is the degree a Cubic B-spline has support over p+1=4 knots. Assuming that clamped knot-vectors are used the first and second basis function will only have support over 1 and 2 knots respectively.<br>
The third basis function has full support over the 4 knots.<br><br>Is this why extra control points / deformation vectors are added?<br><br><br>Another thing. In the above comments is not meant to say order 4? Normally the order = degree+1 and as I understand ITK uses cubic B-splines which is 3-degree.<br>