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<div>Dear ITK users,</div>
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<div>What would be the simplest way to have a first experience with ITK?</div>
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<div>I was thinking to try it in ParaView to benefit from a tool allowing me easy visualisation of ITK class test results.</div>
<p>Thus I would like to know if there is a "turn-key" possibility to use ITK classes via python scripting in ParaView?<br>I saw that to use ITK classes in python scrip, one can use wrapITK. However, it is not that straightforward as one has to compile first ITK, then wrapITK using CMake.</p>
<p>Thus I wondered if ITK classes can be somehow "activated" in the standard ParaView package and made available for python scripts just like VTK classes are? Most notably I have in mind to carry out mesh segmentation using the itk::QEMeshDiscrete.......CurvatureEstimator classes introduced in this InsightJournal paper <a href="http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/302" target="_blank">http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/302</a></p>
<div>I have seen no clue during installation or on the web indicating that this option was available</div>
<div>However maybe there are pre-compiled binaries of ITK and wrapITK that can be downloaded and loaded in ParaView in an easy way?</div>
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<div>I already asked in the ParaView mailing list, but didn't get any answers...</div>
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<p>I thank you in advance for your advices,<br>Regards,</p>
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