Hi folks,<br><br>I have some troubles to make two applications of InsightApllications 3.14.0 run: SegmentationEditor & SegmentationEditorFltkGui. I have been working with vtk & itk sucessfully for the last weeks and now I additionally installed & built FLTK 1.9 & ActiveTcl I built FLTK & InsightApplications sources and all seems to work fine. Now I want to run both applications but:<br>
<br><br>1. <br>I don't understand the commands from the readme.txt of SegmentationEditor. It doesn't make any sense to me. Why should I change the directory to the source like this (I know that I have to replace the text in the brackets with my own path): <br>
<br>"cd <InsightApplications-source>/SegmentationEditor/Scripts/"<br><br>And secondly I don't have a file I can call in a path like this:<br><br>"<InsightApplications-build>/SegmentationEditor/Wrapping/Tcl/WSTITK Main.tcl"<br>
<br>And if I compile the application and start the .exe I get a windows form "WSTITK", which is currently empty.<br>So how can I start the application?<br><br><br><br>2. If I try to compile the SegmentationEditorFltkGui-built I get some strange errors. Does anybody know a solution?:<br>
<br>Error 1 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating fltkVTKImageViewerGUI.h" ITKVtkFltk <br>Error 2 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating fltkTimeProbesCollectorGUI.h" ITKFltkImageViewer <br>
Error 3 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating liFilterConsole3DGUI.cxx" AnisotropicDiffusionFltkGui3D <br>Error 4 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating liFilterConsole2DGUI.cxx" AnisotropicDiffusionFltkGui2D <br>
Error 5 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating EditorConsoleGUI.cxx" EditorFltkGui <br>Error 6 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Generating fltkRGBImageViewerGUI.cxx" WatershedSegmentationFltkGui3D <br>
<br><br><br>I just wanna make one of both apps run, just wanna take a look at the SegmentationEditor.<br><br><br>Regards, Michael<br>