<br>Dear Luis et al.,<br><br>The ITK software guide has some good warnings about avoiding severe anisotropy of pixel dimensions in 3D volumes (pp. 242-247 in printed book). I have a situation where microscopy has been used to obtain digital images of sections that were sliced by microtome at 0.5 micrometers thickness (Z), with the XY pixel spacing at about 0.055 micrometers. I'm told that it's about the best that can be done with this method of imaging.<br>
<br>In early work MRI volumes, there was an interesting method proposed by Dale & Sereno (1993; see pp. 8-9, esp. Fig. 1, and Appendix B on p. 17). Is there an algorithm in ITK that implements this sort of linear algebra?<br>
<br>Download a PDF of this paper here:<br><a href="ftp://ftp.buckinstitute.org/dweber/MEG_EEG_source_DaleSereno1993.pdf">ftp://ftp.buckinstitute.org/dweber/MEG_EEG_source_DaleSereno1993.pdf</a><br><br>Kind regards,<br>Darren<br>