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Hi ITK!!<br><br>First of all, thak you all for answering me about my doubts regarding pixel spacing.<br><br><br>Now I´m a bit confused about what exactly means the Optimizer Scales. I think, for what I coul read, that the optimizer scales are used to compensate the difference between the units of the rotation and the units of the translation, it´s that ok??<br><br>I´m using a itkCenteredRigid2DTransform with a itkRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer and my pixel spacing is about 2.83 micrometres.<br><br>Then, if I´m using the followin optimizer scale:<br><br> optimizerScales[0] = 1.0;<br> optimizerScales[1] = 1.0;<br> optimizerScales[2] = 1.0; <br> optimizerScales[3] = 1.0/1000.0;<br> optimizerScales[4] = 1.0/1000.0;<br><br>what is the real relation between the angle and the translation??? I mean, for each rotation of 1.57 rad, how many micrometers my translation will move??<br><br><br>Thank you in advance.<br><br>Auron.<br>                                            <br /><hr />ˇNuevo Canal Mujer! Moda, belleza, sexo, dietas, embarazo. más fácil y a tu alcance. Si quieres estar a la última, <a href='http://mujer.es.msn.com/' target='_new'>no puedes perdértelo.</a></body>