Hi everyone!<br><br>I want to write a RT-Struct exporter, and i want to use ContourExtractor2DImageFilter to extract the contour.<br>It works fine with some images, but doesn't work with all images(0 contour detected in all slice), and i no idea why not :(<br>
I wrote a little code for test the filter, i will send the code and the images, if you want to test.<br>
<br>The program input is a label map(3D). First i extract the slices
with itkExtractImageFilter, and after that, i use ContourExtractor2DImageFilter with
itkExtractImageFilter's output, and i print the founded contour number
for each slices.<br> <br>I tested it with mask1 from <a href="http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/316">http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/316</a><br>I made another mask with Slicer3, the original image was the modified_image from prev.link, and it's works fine.<br>
But when i created another mask with Slicer3 from other image(MR), it didn't work.<br>
<br>Any idea why?<br><br>B.R.<br> Andras