Hi, <br><br>I downloaded Paraview as well as VTK for visualization. However, I am unsure how to use them. I googled for a little bit, but the resources online aren't very helpful.<br><br>A vector field is obtained from deformable registration using ITK. The x- and y-components are output as x.hdr and y.hdr respectively. ITK also produces mhd and raw files of the vector field. <br>
<br>ParaView doesn't open hdr file. Googling tells me to convert the hdr to vtk file so that the file can be opened by ParaView.<br><br>I therefore have the following questions:<br><br>1. Does anyone know how I can convert hdr to vtk file? <br>
<br>2. Does anyone know how I can display the vector field without converting the file type? <br><br><br>Thank you,<br><br>Stephen <br><br>