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<br>We have 2 sets of 3D-CT data, one from radiotherapy planning CT (call it as image I1) and another one is a cone-beam CT on the treatment table (image I2). Performing a deformable registration on these gives us a deformation field, say DF.<br>I would like to see how the individual structures have deformed between image I1 and image I2. The structure that we are interested in (say, S1) is masked from image I1 and DF should be applied on it. We would like to see how this structure has deformed in the image I2 (its new form is called say, S2). <br>Error = || DF(S1) - S2 || <br><br>Can you help me in applying DF onto S1. Probably for a few out there, this is probably trivial. Should I write a new set of code or is there something that is already available?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Ganesh<br><br><br><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana">************************************************************************</font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana"><br></font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana">
"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, It can achieve" - </font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana"><span class="ecxil">Napolean</span></font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana"> </font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana"><span class="ecxil">Hill</span></font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana"><br></font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana">
Narayanasamy,Ph.D., PostDoc-University of Kentucky Cancer Center</font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana"><br></font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana">
Earlier work:
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/05/070504133017.htm</font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana"><br></font><font style="" color="#1f497d" face="Verdana">
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