<P>I got a problem when I try to use itk::AntiAliasBinaryImageFilter to process the 3D image and VtkMarchingCubes to visualise it, </P>
<P>but the output of filter is nothing.I have no idea why the size of output is 0,here is part of my code:<BR></P>
<P>typedef float IoPixelType;&nbsp;&nbsp;typedef itk::Image< IoPixelType, 3 > IoImageType_3D;</P>
<P>typedef itk::AntiAliasBinaryImageFilter<IoImageType_3D,IoImageType_3D> AntiAliasFilterType;</P>
<P>AntiAliasFilterType::Pointer antialias = AntiAliasFilterType::New();</P>
<P>antialias->SetNumberOfLayers( 2 );</P>
<P>DistanceField_s = antialias->GetOutput();<BR></P>
<P>any advice will be appreciated.</P>