Hello,<br><br>I have SPECT (single photo emission computed tomography) 3D DICOM data set file with 90 slices inside it. Problem is, that ITK will read origin of these data as 0x0x0. I think, the proper origin of this data is located in header in tag "(0020,0032) Image Position (Patient)", which is not 0x0x0. Can anyone please help why this is happening? <br>
<br>For example in CT data I have, it reads as origin values correctly the values located in that tag (0020,0032).<br><br>I think, the problem is, that in SPECT data is tag (0020,0032) hidden under tag "(0054,0022) Detector Information Sequence" and mayby, ITK can't find it, because in that CT data, is this tag (0020,0032) normally visible and is not hidden under another tag. <br>
<br>Here is the example of that part of SPECT header data:<br><br>(0054,0022) Detector Information Sequence VR: SQ Length: 260 <br> (0018,1120) Gantry/Detector Tilt VR: DS Length: 2 Value: 0 <br>
(0018,1145) Center of Rotation Offset VR: DS Length: 2 Value: 0 <br> (0018,1147) Field of View Shape VR: CS Length: 0 <br> (0018,1149) Field of View Dimension(s) VR: IS Length: 4 Value: 0\0 <br>
(0018,1180) Collimator/grid Name VR: SH Length: 4 Value: LEHR<br> (0018,1181) Collimator Type VR: CS Length: 4 Value: PARA<br> (0018,1182) Focal Distance VR: IS Length: 2 Value: 0 <br>
(0018,1183) X Focus Center VR: DS Length: 2 Value: 0 <br> (0018,1184) Y Focus Center VR: DS Length: 2 Value: 0 <br> (0020,0032) Image Position (Patient) VR: DS Length: 36 Value: -280.644600\-280.644600\1333.444600 <br>
<br>I think, that origin of SPECT data should be readed as -280.644600\-280.644600\1333.444600 (see the tag (0020,0032)) if I am not mistaken, but ITK will read it as 0x0x0. <br><br>Thanks for any help!<br><br>Best regards to all ITK users, Michal. <br>
<br>Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, CTU<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>S pozdravem Bc. Michal Srna<br><br>Fotografické portfolio:<br><a href="http://michalsrna.cz">http://michalsrna.cz</a><br>