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<div>No. Direction cosines are part of the discrete voxel lattice to physical space mapping. Iterators have no knowledge of physical space.</div>
<div>ITK will write out properly oriented images, wether Fiji will respect those orientations I up to that program. I am not familiar with Fiji.</div>
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<span style="font-weight:bold">From: </span>Neil Panjwani <<a href="mailto:paniwani@gmail.com">paniwani@gmail.com</a>><br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">Date: </span>Wed, 4 May 2011 18:53:51 -0400<br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">To: </span>insight-users <<a href="mailto:insight-users@itk.org">insight-users@itk.org</a>><br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">Subject: </span>[Insight-users] Direction cosines<br>
<div>Do the direction cosines of an image define the way the image iterator will move through the image? </div>
I use ITK to write out Nifti files and view them using Fiji. Will Fiji allow me to properly view oriented images?
<div>I want to ensure that despite what my direction cosines are, the gradient vector will always point to higher values in my image.</div>
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