Hi, all,<br><br>I' ve been struggling to solve a medical image segmentation task in the lab for a few weeks.<br><br>The task is trying to segment the abdominal aorta from a set of CT images and then to reconstruct the result to form the vascular structure.<br>
<br>I' ve tried the connected threshold region growing method given in ITK and embedded it into the following demo:<br><br> InsightApplications\Auxiliary\vtk\itkReadITKImage3DSegmentShowVTK.cxx<br><br>The problem is it is hard to segment abdonimal aorta without the spinal bones due to the anatomical structure.<br>
<br>I added seeds in the area of the vessels for each CT image. That made the 2D segmentation results looked fine. Unfortunately, the reconstruct result was still poor<br>that the spinal bones still appeared with the vascular structure and there were lots of blobs and spikes shown in the vessel cavity.<br>
<br>Below are my parameters in the program:<br><br>CurvatureFlowImageFilter<br><br>numberOfIterations = 3;<br>timeStep = 0.0625;<br><br>ConnectedThresholdImageFilter<br><br>upperThreshold = 101;<br>lowerThreshold = 230;<br>
replaceValue = 255<br><br>Can anyone tell how to overcome the effect of the spinal bones in my CT dataset? <br><br>Thanks in advance!<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Fan<br>