<font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Hi guys,<br><br>for some time now a warning "</font></font>(!) This message may not have been sent by: <a href="mailto:someone@gmail.com" target="_blank">someone@gmail.com</a> 'Learn more' '<span>Report phishing</span><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">' " has been bugging me. It always appears when sender is from GMail, and the message was received through the mailing list. It appears for every such email. I am using GMail too.<br>
<br>Today I searched for a way to get rid of it, and found this: <a href="http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=185812" target="_blank">http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=185812</a>. It seems that GMail is putting some authentication information in the message header, and if it is not found again on reception it shows this warning (probably because vtk list server is stripping this info).<br>
<br>The same goes for other Kitware's lists, such as </font></font><a href="mailto:insight-users@itk.org">insight-users@itk.org</a><span class="gI">. </span><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Who is the administrator of these lists, can they do something to solve this problem?<br>