                <p><span class="xfmb">Hi!</span><p><span class="xfmb">When I configured my ITK I selected the "ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM". The cmake is work. But I when compiled the .sln, the Link step makes a error : fatal error LNK1104: "can not open file "gdcmMSFF.lib". <br />
                                <br /> I used gdcm-2.0.16, ITK -4.1.0, and cmake 2.8.9<br /></span><p><span class="xfmb">And also I try gdcm 2.2.0 ITK 4.2.0 and cmake 2.8.9</span><p>Windows 7, 32-bits<p>
                        <br />
                <p>I install this version separately.<p><span class="xfmb"><br /></span><p><span class="xfmb">Any idea what is wrong?</span><p>Best regards, Serge.