Hi,<br>I am trying to build an application (<a href="http://vv.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/">http://vv.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/</a>) under MacOS with system GDCM (latest version from git) and ITK 4.4. At link time, I get duplicate symbol errors because itk and gdcm both compile openjpeg, for example :<br>
<br>duplicate symbol _j2k_convert_progression_order in:<br> /Users/srit/src/itk4/mac64/lib/libitkopenjpeg-4.4.a(j2k.c.o)<br> /Users/srit/src/gdcm/mac64-install/lib/libgdcmopenjpeg.a(j2k.c.o)<br><br>I did not find an easy way to fix this. Is there a way to disable the build of OpenJPEG when gdcm system is used? No matter what I do, the module ITKOpenJPEG is built when ITK IOs are built...<br>
Thanks in advance,<br>Simon<br>