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Image Representation Objects
[Data Representation Objects]


class  BloxBoundaryPointImage
 Templated n-dimensional image class used to store linked lists. More...

class  BloxBoundaryPointItem
 A boundary point, stored in a BloxPixel. More...

class  BloxBoundaryPointPixel
 Holds a linked list of itk::BloxBoundaryPointItem's. More...

class  BloxBoundaryProfileImage
 N-dimensional image class which handles BloxBoundaryProfileItems. More...

class  BloxCoreAtomImage
 N-dimensional image class which handles BloxCoreAtomItems. More...

class  BloxCoreAtomItem
 A core atom object, stored in a BloxPixel. More...

class  BloxCoreAtomPixel
 Holds a linked list of itk::BloxCoreAtomItem's. More...

class  BloxImage
 Templated n-dimensional image class used to store linked lists. More...

class  BloxItem
 An entry in the BloxPixel linked list. More...

class  BloxPixel
 Holds a linked list of BloxItem's. More...

class  BoundingBox
 Represent and compute information about bounding boxes. More...

class  ConstantBoundaryCondition
 This boundary condition returns a constant value for out-of-bounds image pixels. More...

class  ContinuousIndex
 A templated class holding a point in n-Dimensional image space. More...

class  DefaultImageTraits
class  Image
 Templated n-dimensional image class. More...

class  ImageBase
 Base class for templated image classes. More...

class  ImageBoundaryCondition
 A virtual base object that defines an interface to a class of boundary condition objects for use by neighborhood iterators. More...

class  ImageContainerInterface
class  ImageRegion
 An image region represents a structured region of data. More...

class  ImportImageContainer
class  Index
 Represent a n-dimensional index in a n-dimensional image. More...

class  RGBAPixel
 Represent Red, Green, Blue cand Alpha component for color images. More...

class  RGBPixel
 Represent Red, Green and Blue component for color images. More...

class  Size
 Represent the size (bounds) of a n-dimensional image. More...

class  ValarrayImageContainer
class  ZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition
 A function object that determines a neighborhood of values at an image boundary according to a Neumann boundary condition where first, upwind derivatives on the boundary are zero. This is a useful condition in solving some classes of differential equations. More...

Detailed Description

This category includes the objects required to represent images in ITK.
Generated at Wed Mar 12 01:13:44 2003 for ITK by doxygen 1.2.15 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000