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STLConstContainerAdaptor Class Reference

#include <itkSTLConstContainerAdaptor.h>

Detailed Description

An adapter object that casts a [const itk::XxxContainer] into [const std::xxx] and enables access to the underlying data structure. The class is provided for interface consistency with STLContainerAdaptor plus the [const] modifier. Since everything is const, there is no need to call AdapteeType::Modified() in the destructor. Here's a usage example of STLContainerAdaptor itk::STLConstContainerAdaptor<itk::VectorContainer<unsigned long, ElementType>> vecAdaptor(aContainer); const std::vector<ElementType> & vec = vecAdaptor.GetSTLContainerRef(); // do things with vec ...

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Generated at Fri May 21 01:16:35 2004 for ITK by doxygen 1.2.15 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000