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vnl_c_vector< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for vnl_c_vector< T >, including all inherited members.
abs_t typedefvnl_c_vector< T >
add(T const *x, T const *y, T *z, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
allocate_T(int n)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
allocate_Tptr(int n)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
apply(T const *, unsigned, T(*f)(T), T *v_out)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
apply(T const *, unsigned, T(*f)(const T &), T *v_out)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
conjugate(T const *, T *, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
copy(T const *x, T *y, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
deallocate(T **, int n_when_allocated)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
deallocate(T *, int n_when_allocated)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
divide(T const *x, T const *y, T *z, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
dot_product(T const *, T const *, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
fill(T *x, unsigned, T const &v)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
inf_norm(T const *p, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [inline, static]
inner_product(T const *, T const *, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
invert(T const *x, T *y, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
max_value(T const *, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
mean(T const *p, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [inline, static]
min_value(T const *, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
multiply(T const *x, T const *y, T *z, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
negate(T const *x, T *y, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
normalize(T *, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
one_norm(T const *p, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [inline, static]
reverse(T *x, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
rms_norm(T const *p, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [inline, static]
saxpy(T const &a, T const *x, T *y, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
scale(T const *x, T *y, unsigned, T const &)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
squared_magnitude(T const *p, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [inline, static]
subtract(T const *x, T const *y, T *z, unsigned)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
sum(const T *v, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [static]
two_norm(T const *p, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [inline, static]
two_nrm2(T const *p, unsigned n)vnl_c_vector< T > [inline, static]

Generated at Fri May 21 01:16:37 2004 for ITK by doxygen 1.2.15 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000