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00001 /*=========================================================================
00003 Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
00004 Module:    $RCSfile: dbh.h,v $
00005 Language:  C++
00006 Date:      $Date: 2003/02/20 16:02:11 $
00007 Version:   $Revision: 1.5 $
00009 Copyright (c) 2002 Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
00010 See ITKCopyright.txt or for details.
00012 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
00013 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
00014 PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
00016 =========================================================================*/
00017 #ifndef __dbh_h__
00018 #define __dbh_h__
00020 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00021 extern "C"
00022 {
00023 #endif
00024   /*************************************************************************
00025    * Programmer:    Hans J. Johnson  The following are notes gathered from several sources
00026    * e-mail:
00027    * Organization:  The University of Iowa
00028    * Function:      This file contains the structure definition for Analyze files
00029    **************************************************************************/
00030   /* Analyze 7.5 From Mayo  --Comments From Medical image formats web page in 1999:
00031    * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00032    * This very popular software package is produced by the Biomedical Imaging Resource
00033    * group at the Mayo Clinic/Foundation. I have always thought they should give it away
00034    * but they don't, it is moderately expensive, though less so than some other alternatives.
00035    * If you want to test or buy it try contacting
00036    * Denny Hanson <A HREF=""></A> who is extremely helpful.
00037    * See also the web site at <A HREF="part7.html#AnalyzeFromMayoWebSite">Analyze from Mayo</A>.
00038    * Anyway, importing images into Analyze is a drag and you have to convert your files to their
00039    * format, but it isn't very difficult. I hear that some other programs also use their format
00040    * but haven't encountered them myself. Anyway, the package is sufficiently commonly used that
00041    * it seems appropriate to include the format here.
00042    * This information is included verbatim from what was sent to me by
00043    * Ellis Workman <A HREF=""></A> and if you have problems I
00044    * am sure he will be able to help.
00045    * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00046    */
00047   /*
00048    * Analyze IMAGE FILE FORMAT -- As much information as I can determine from the Medical image
00049    * formats web site, and the Analyze75.pdf file provided from the Mayo clinic.
00050    *
00051    * Analyze image file sets consist of at least 2 files:
00052    * REQUIRED:
00053    *    - an image file  ([basename].img or [basename].img.gz or [basename].img.Z)
00054    *          This contains the binary represenation of the raw voxel values.  If the file 
00055    *          is compressed,
00056    *          it should be of of size (sizeof(storagetype)*NX*NY*NZ(*NT).
00057    *          The format of the image file is very simple; containing usually
00058    *          uncompressed voxel data for the images in one of the several
00059    *          possible voxel formats:
00060    *             - 1 bit  packed binary (slices begin on byte boundaries)
00061    *             - 8 bit  (unsigned char) gray scale unless .lkup file present
00062    *             - 16 bit signed short
00063    *             - 32 bit signed integers or float
00064    *             - 24 bit RGB, 8 bits per channel
00065    *    - a header file  ([basename].hdr)
00066    *          This a 348byte file that contains a binary represenation of the C-struct 
00067    *          defined in this file
00068    * OPTIONAL:
00069    *    - a color lookup file ([basename].lkup)
00070    *      This is only relevant for unsigned char images.  The .lkup file conatins 
00071    *      255*3 floating point numbers between the value of (0.0F-1.0F) that can be 
00072    *      read directly into an array float [255][3].  Each element of the array represents 
00073    *      the Red Green and Blue components to be associated with the unsigned char value 
00074    *      at that point.
00075    *    - a vol file ([basename].vol)
00076    *    - an object file ([basename].obj)
00077    *      A specially formated file with a mapping between object name and image code used to associate
00078    *      image voxel locations with a label.  This file is run length encoded to save disk storage.
00079    */
00080   /*
00081    * Analyze 7.5 header structure
00082    * The header file is a 'C' structure which describes the dimensions
00083    * and properties of the voxel data.  This structure follows:
00084    * NOTE: many programs claim to write analyze 7.5 file format, but fail
00085    *       to fill in much of this information.
00086    *
00087    *    struct header_key
00088    *        int sizeof_header   // must indicate the byte size of header file, Always 348 bytes ?????
00089    *        char data_type[10]  //??????A character string that has a 1 to 1 correspondence 
00090    *                            //with the short int datatype field of the image_dimension.
00091    *                            //Acceptable values are:  DataTypes[10][12]= { "UNKNOWN",
00092    *                            //"BINARY","CHAR","SHORT", "INT","FLOAT","COMPLEX",
00093    *                            //"DOUBLE","RGB", "USHORT" };
00094    *                            //NOTE: Some programs that claim to use the analyze format
00095    *                            //      do not fill this field in. i.e. AIR
00096    *                            //NOTE: Some documentation claims that this field should contain
00097    *                            //information about the type of data stored i.e. MRI-T1, MRI-T2, MRI-PD, CT, etc...
00098    *        char db_name[18]    //??????????Don't know what this is
00099    *        int extents;        //Should be 16384, the image file is created as contiguous with a 
00100    *                            //minium extent size.
00101    *                            //This is the key for determining byte endedness of the file.
00102    *        short int session_error; // ????????????Don't know what this is.
00103    *        char regular;       // This must be 'r' to indicate that all images and volumes are the same size.
00104    *        char hkey_un0;      // Unused field for future expansion.
00105    *
00106    *    struct image_dimension struct decribes the organization and
00107    *    size of images. These elements enable IO routines to reference
00108    *    images by volume and slice number.
00109    *
00110    *        short int dim[]  // array of image dimensions
00111    *            dim[0]        // number of dimensions; usually 4
00112    *            dim[1]        // image X dimension, i.e. number of voxels per row (adjacent memory locations)
00113    *            dim[2]        // image Y dimension, i.e. number of rows per slice
00114    *            dim[3]        // Volume Z dimension, i.e. number of slices per volume
00115    *            dim[4]        // Number of time points, i.e. number of volumes per series
00116    *              . . .
00117    *            dim[7]        // volumes in file, i.e. number of volumes per series
00118    *
00119    *        char vox_units[4] // specifies the spatial units of measure for a voxel, valid values are "mm","cm" and "in"
00120    *                          // NOTE:  if no match is found, "mm" is assumed
00121    *        char cal_units[4] // specifies the name of hte calibration unit, valid values are "mm","cm" and "in"
00122    *                          //??????????How do cal_unit differ from vox_units?
00123    *        short int unused; //Unused field for future expansion
00124    *                          //  NOTE: if no match is found, "mm" is assumed
00125    *        short int datatype //A short int that has a 1 to 1 correspondence 
00126    *                           //with the string datatype field of the image_dimension.
00127    *                           //Acceptable values are:
00128    *                           // enum DataTypeKeyValues  {
00129    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_UNKNOWN        =0,
00130    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_BINARY         =1,
00131    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_UNSIGNED_CHAR  =2,
00132    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_SIGNED_SHORT   =4,
00133    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_SIGNED_INT     =8,
00134    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_FLOAT          =16,
00135    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_COMPLEX        =32,
00136    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_DOUBLE         =64,
00137    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_RGB            =128,
00138    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_ALL            =255
00139    *                           //  ANALYZE_DT_UNSIGNED_SHORT =6,  ##NOTE: This is not officially supported by the ANALYZE 7.5 file format!!
00140    *                           // };
00141    *                          //NOTE: THIS MUST BE FILLED IN.  This is the field that most
00142    *                          //applications use to determine the type.
00143    * short int bitpix   // bits per pixel.  This field must agree with the datatype and
00144    *                    // data_type feilds.
00145    *                    //DataTypeSizes[11]={0,1,8,16,32,32,64,64,24,0,16};
00146    * short int dim_un0; // Unused value for future expansion.
00147    * float pixdim[]     // parallel array to dim giving voxel dimensions
00148    * NOTE: pixdim[0] is ignored, and the number of dims are taken from dims[0], 
00149    * and pixdim[1..7] are the actual pixdims.
00150    *       pixdim[1]    // voxel width
00151    *       pixdim[2]    // voxel height
00152    *       pixdim[3]    // voxel depth or slice thickness
00153    *       pixdim[4]    //
00154    *       . . .
00155    *       pixdim[7]    //
00156    *
00157    * float vox_offset;  //   byte offset in the .img file at which
00158    *                    //   voxels start. If value is negative
00159    *                    //   specifies that the absolute value
00160    *                    //   is applied for every image in the file.
00161    * float roi_scale    // ???????????Don't know what this does.
00162    * float funused1     // Unused, for future expansion
00163    * float funused2     // Unused, for future expansion
00164    * float cal_max      //Specify the minimum of the range of the calibration values.
00165    * float cal_min      //Specify the minimum of the range of the calibration values.
00166    * float compressed   //?????Have not figured out what the valid values are.
00167    *                    // Most applications ignore this field.
00168    * int verified       //??????????? Don't know what this field is for.
00169    * int glmax, glmin   //the max and min values for entire data set. ??What entire data set?
00170    *                    //??How does this relate to the cal_min,cal_max,omax,omin,smax,smin?
00171    *                    //??????? What if the datatype is unsigned int or float or RGB or complex?
00172    */
00173   /*
00174    *The data_history substructure is not required, but the 'orient' element
00175    *is used to indicate individual slice orientation and determines whether
00176    *the Analyze 'Movie' program will attempt to flip the images before
00177    *displaying a movie sequence.
00178    *???????many of the fields in the data_history section are no longer
00179    *???????meaningful.  It is perfectly acceptable to put any values you want
00180    *???????into those fields because they do not(should not) affect image
00181    *???????processing.
00182    * char descrip[80]   //A place to put a short description of the data.
00183    * char aux_file[24]  //A place to put the name of an auxillary file to
00184    *                    //use instead of the default .img file????????????
00185    * ????????????????????????????????????????????????
00186    * A "Radiologic" view of the data and places the spatial
00187    * origin at the subjects Inferior-Right-Posterior.  Presumably this is because
00188    * it is the view a radiologist would have of a patient in an MR/PET/CT scanner.
00189    *    orient:
00190    *            0 - transverse unflipped (Radiolgic)
00191    *            1 - coronal unflipped    (Radiolgic)
00192    *            2 - sagittal unflipped   (Radiolgic)
00193    *            3 - transverse flipped
00194    *            4 - coronal flipped
00195    *            5 - sagittal flipped
00196    * Where the Origin disignators are are with respect to the patient
00197    * [(I)nferior|(S)uperior] [(L}eft|(R)ight] [(A)nterior|(P)osterior]
00198    * hdr->orient  "MayoClinic/Analyze"   Origin   dims[1]  dims[2]  dims[3]
00199    * ======================================================================
00200    * 0            transverse-unflipped   IRP       R->L     P->A    I->S
00201    * 1            coronal-unflipped      IRP       R->L     I->S    P->A
00202    * 2            sagittal-unflipped     IRP       P->A     I->S    R->L
00203    * 3            transverse-flipped     ???       R->L     A->P    I->S
00204    * 4            coronal-flipped        ???       R->L     S->I    P->A
00205    * 5            sagittal-flipped       ???       P->A     I->S    L->R
00206    * char originator[10]   //The person or group that generated this image
00207    * char generated[10]    //The data the image was generated????????????
00208    * char scannum[10]      //An instituion independent identifier for the image
00209    * char patient_id[10]   //An instituion independant identifier for the subject of the scan
00210    * exp_date[10]          //??????????????????????
00211    * exp_time[10]          //??????????????????????
00212    * char hist_un0[3]      //Unused padding of the structure
00213    * int views             //??????????????????????
00214    * int vols_added;       //??????????????????????
00215    * int start_field       //??????????????????????
00216    * int field_skip        //??????????????????????
00217    * int omax              //??????????????????????
00218    * int omin              //??????????????????????
00219    * int smax              //??????????????????????
00220    * int smin              //??????????????????????
00221    */
00223 enum {
00225   ITKA_CORONAL   =1,
00226   ITKA_SAGITTAL  =2,
00230 };
00232 /*
00233  *
00234  * (c) Copyright, 1986-1995
00235  * Biomedical Imaging Resource
00236  * Mayo Foundation
00237  *
00238  * dbh.h
00239  * database sub-definitions
00240  */
00242 struct header_key              /*      header_key       */
00243 {                              /* off + size*/
00244   int sizeof_hdr;              /* 0 + 4     */
00245   char data_type[10];          /* 4 + 10    */
00246   char db_name[18];            /* 14 + 18   */
00247   int extents;                 /* 32 + 4    */
00248   short int session_error;     /* 36 + 2    */
00249   char regular;                /* 38 + 1    */
00250   char hkey_un0;               /* 39 + 1    */
00251 };                             /* total=40  */
00253 struct image_dimension         /*      image_dimension  */
00254 {                              /* off + size*/
00255   short int dim[8];            /* 0 + 16    */
00256   char vox_units[4];           /* 16 + 4    */
00257   char cal_units[8];           /* 20 + 4    */
00258   short int unused1;           /* 24 + 2    */
00259   short int datatype;          /* 30 + 2    */
00260   short int bitpix;            /* 32 + 2    */
00261   short int dim_un0;           /* 34 + 2    */
00262   float pixdim[8];             /* 36 + 32   */
00263   float vox_offset;            /* 68 + 4    */
00264   float roi_scale;             /* 72 + 4    */
00265   float funused1;              /* 76 + 4    */
00266   float funused2;              /* 80 + 4    */
00267   float cal_max;               /* 84 + 4    */
00268   float cal_min;               /* 88 + 4    */
00269   int compressed;              /* 92 + 4    */
00270   int verified;                /* 96 + 4    */
00271   int glmax, glmin;            /* 100 + 8   */
00272 };                             /* total=108 */
00274 struct data_history            /*      data_history     */
00275 {                              /* off + size*/
00276   char descrip[80];            /* 0 + 80    */
00277   char aux_file[24];           /* 80 + 24   */
00278   char orient;                 /* 104 + 1   */
00279   char originator[10];         /* 105 + 10  */
00280   char generated[10];          /* 115 + 10  */
00281   char scannum[10];            /* 125 + 10  */
00282   char patient_id[10];         /* 135 + 10  */
00283   char exp_date[10];           /* 145 + 10  */
00284   char exp_time[10];           /* 155 + 10  */
00285   char hist_un0[3];            /* 165 + 3   */
00286   int views;                   /* 168 + 4   */
00287   int vols_added;              /* 172 + 4   */
00288   int start_field;             /* 176 + 4   */
00289   int field_skip;              /* 180 + 4   */
00290   int omax,omin;               /* 184 + 8   */
00291   int smax,smin;               /* 192 + 8   */
00292 };                             /* total=200 */
00294 struct dsr                     /*      dsr              */
00295 {                              /* off + size*/
00296   struct header_key hk;        /* 0 + 40    */
00297   struct image_dimension dime; /* 40 + 108  */
00298   struct data_history hist;    /* 148 + 200 */
00299 };                             /* total=348 */
00301 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00302 }
00303 #endif                           /*#ifdef  __cplusplus*/
00304 #endif                           /* __dbh_h__ */

Generated at Fri May 21 01:14:20 2004 for ITK by doxygen 1.2.15 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000