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Hybrid Segmentation Filters
[Image Segmentation Filters]


class  HybridFilter
 the filter try to combine the gibbs prior model and deformable model into a segmentation framework, the output of Gibbs Prior model will be automatically set as the input of deformable model. More...

class  VoronoiPartitioningImageFilter
class  VoronoiSegmentationImageFilter
class  VoronoiSegmentationImageFilterBase
class  VoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter

Detailed Description

These filters are hybrid between intensity-based, region-based, or model-based image segmentation filters.
Generated at Fri May 21 01:17:44 2004 for ITK by doxygen 1.2.15 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000