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Image Functions


class  BinaryThresholdImageFunction
 Returns true is the value of an image lies within a range of thresholds This ImageFunction returns true (or false) if the pixel value lies within (outside) a lower and upper threshold value. The threshold range can be set with the ThresholdBelow, ThresholdBetween or ThresholdAbove methods. The input image is set via method SetInputImage(). More...

class  BSplineInterpolateImageFunction
 Evaluates the B-Spline interpolation of an image. Spline order may be from 0 to 5. More...

class  BSplineResampleImageFunction
 Resample image intensity from a BSpline coefficient image. More...

class  CentralDifferenceImageFunction
 Calculate the derivative by central differencing. More...

class  ImageFunction
 Evaluates a function of an image at specified position. More...

class  InterpolateImageFunction
 Base class for all image interpolaters. More...

class  LinearInterpolateImageFunction
 Linearly interpolate an image at specified positions. More...

class  MeanImageFunction
 Calculate the mean value in the neighborhood of a pixel. More...

class  MedianImageFunction
 Calculate the median value in the neighborhood of a pixel. More...

class  NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
 Nearest neighbor interpolation of a scalar image. More...

class  NeighborhoodBinaryThresholdImageFunction
 Determine whether all the pixels in the specified neighborhood meet a threshold criteria. More...

class  VarianceImageFunction
 Calculate the variance in the neighborhood of a pixel. More...

class  VectorInterpolateImageFunction
 Base class for all vector image interpolaters. More...

class  VectorLinearInterpolateImageFunction
 Linearly interpolate a vector image at specified positions. More...

Detailed Description

Image functions compute single values using data from a previously specified Image. A value can be computed at an image index, continuous index or point.

See also:
Image , Index , ImageFunction

Generated at Fri May 21 01:17:44 2004 for ITK by doxygen 1.2.15 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000