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00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit 00004 Module: $RCSfile: itkCellInterface.h,v $ 00005 Language: C++ 00006 Date: $Date: 2003/09/10 14:29:03 $ 00007 Version: $Revision: 1.57 $ 00008 00009 Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. 00010 See ITKCopyright.txt or for details. 00011 00012 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00013 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00014 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. 00015 00016 =========================================================================*/ 00017 #ifndef __itkCellInterface_h 00018 #define __itkCellInterface_h 00019 00020 #include "itkObject.h" 00021 #include "itkObjectFactory.h" 00022 #include <map> 00023 #include "itkCellInterfaceVisitor.h" 00024 #include "itkAutoPointer.h" 00025 #include "itkArray.h" 00026 00027 00028 // Define a macro for CellInterface sub-classes to use 00029 // to define the Accept and GetTopologyId virtuals used 00030 // by the MultiVisitor class 00031 #define itkCellVisitMacro(TopologyId) \ 00032 static int GetTopologyId() {return TopologyId;}\ 00033 virtual void Accept(unsigned long cellid, typename CellInterface<PixelType, CellTraits>::MultiVisitor* mv)\ 00034 {\ 00035 typename CellInterfaceVisitor<PixelType, CellTraits>::Pointer v = mv->GetVisitor(TopologyId);\ 00036 if(v)\ 00037 {\ 00038 v->VisitFromCell(cellid, this);\ 00039 }\ 00040 } 00041 00042 00043 00044 // Define a macro for the common typedefs required by the 00045 // classes deriving form CellInterface (included). 00046 // This wouldn't be necessary if SGI compilers 00047 // were able to inherit types. 00048 #define itkCellCommonTypedefs( celltype ) \ 00049 typedef celltype Self; \ 00050 typedef AutoPointer<const Self> ConstSelfAutoPointer; \ 00051 typedef AutoPointer<Self> SelfAutoPointer; \ 00052 typedef Self * RawPointer; \ 00053 typedef const Self * ConstRawPointer; \ 00054 SelfAutoPointer New(void) { \ 00055 SelfAutoPointer ptr( new celltype ); \ 00056 ptr.TakeOwnership(); \ 00057 return ptr; \ 00058 } \ 00059 00060 00061 // Define a macro for the common typedefs required by the 00062 // classes deriving form CellInterface (excluded). 00063 // This wouldn't be necessary if SGI compilers 00064 // were able to inherit types. 00065 #define itkCellInheritedTypedefs( superclassArg ) \ 00066 typedef superclassArg Superclass; \ 00067 typedef typename Superclass::PixelType PixelType; \ 00068 typedef typename Superclass::CellType CellType; \ 00069 typedef typename Superclass::CellAutoPointer CellAutoPointer; \ 00070 typedef typename Superclass::CellConstAutoPointer CellConstAutoPointer; \ 00071 typedef typename Superclass::CellRawPointer CellRawPointer; \ 00072 typedef typename Superclass::CellConstRawPointer CellConstRawPointer; \ 00073 typedef typename Superclass::CellTraits CellTraits; \ 00074 typedef typename Superclass::CoordRepType CoordRepType; \ 00075 typedef typename Superclass::InterpolationWeightType InterpolationWeightType; \ 00076 typedef typename Superclass::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier; \ 00077 typedef typename Superclass::PointIdIterator PointIdIterator; \ 00078 typedef typename Superclass::PointIdConstIterator PointIdConstIterator; \ 00079 typedef typename Superclass::CellIdentifier CellIdentifier; \ 00080 typedef typename Superclass::CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureIdentifier; \ 00081 typedef typename Superclass::CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureCount; \ 00082 typedef typename Superclass::PointType PointType; \ 00083 typedef typename Superclass::PointsContainer PointsContainer; \ 00084 typedef typename Superclass::UsingCellsContainer UsingCellsContainer; \ 00085 typedef typename Superclass::CellGeometry CellGeometry; \ 00086 typedef typename Superclass::ParametricCoordArrayType ParametricCoordArrayType; \ 00087 typedef typename Superclass::ShapeFunctionsArrayType ShapeFunctionsArrayType; \ 00088 itkStaticConstMacro(PointDimension, unsigned int, Superclass::PointDimension) 00089 00090 00091 00092 00093 namespace itk 00094 { 00095 00108 template < 00109 typename TPixelType, 00110 typename TCellTraits 00111 > 00112 class CellInterface 00113 { 00114 public: 00115 00117 itkCellCommonTypedefs(CellInterface); 00118 00120 typedef TPixelType PixelType; 00121 00123 typedef TCellTraits CellTraits; 00124 00126 typedef typename CellTraits::CoordRepType CoordRepType; 00127 typedef typename CellTraits::InterpolationWeightType InterpolationWeightType; 00128 typedef typename CellTraits::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier; 00129 typedef typename CellTraits::PointIdIterator PointIdIterator; 00130 typedef typename CellTraits::PointIdConstIterator PointIdConstIterator; 00131 typedef typename CellTraits::CellIdentifier CellIdentifier; 00132 typedef typename CellTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureIdentifier; 00133 typedef typename CellTraits::PointType PointType; 00134 typedef typename CellTraits::PointsContainer PointsContainer; 00135 typedef typename CellTraits::UsingCellsContainer UsingCellsContainer; 00136 00138 itkStaticConstMacro(PointDimension, unsigned int,CellTraits::PointDimension); 00139 00141 typedef typename UsingCellsContainer::iterator UsingCellsContainerIterator; 00142 00144 typedef CellInterface CellType; 00145 typedef SelfAutoPointer CellAutoPointer; 00146 typedef ConstSelfAutoPointer CellConstAutoPointer; 00147 typedef RawPointer CellRawPointer; 00148 typedef ConstRawPointer CellConstRawPointer; 00149 00151 typedef CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureCount; 00152 00154 enum CellGeometry {VERTEX_CELL=0, LINE_CELL, TRIANGLE_CELL, QUADRILATERAL_CELL, 00155 POLYGON_CELL, TETRAHEDRON_CELL, HEXAHEDRON_CELL, 00156 QUADRATIC_EDGE_CELL, QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE_CELL, 00157 LAST_ITK_CELL, MAX_ITK_CELLS=255}; 00158 00160 typedef Array<CoordRepType> ParametricCoordArrayType; 00161 typedef Array<InterpolationWeightType> ShapeFunctionsArrayType; 00162 00163 static int GetNextUserCellId(); // never return > MAX_INTERFACE 00164 00170 class MultiVisitor : public LightObject 00171 { 00172 public: 00175 typedef CellInterfaceVisitor<TPixelType, TCellTraits> VisitorType; 00176 00178 typedef MultiVisitor Self; 00179 typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer; 00180 00182 //itkNewMacro(Self); 00183 static Pointer New(void) { return new Self; } 00184 00186 itkTypeMacro(MultiVisitor,LightObject); 00187 00189 typedef typename VisitorType::Pointer VisitorPointer; 00190 00191 public: 00192 VisitorType * GetVisitor(int id) 00193 { 00194 if(id <= LAST_ITK_CELL) 00195 { 00196 return m_Visitors[id]; 00197 } 00198 else 00199 { 00200 typename std::map<int, ITK_TYPENAME VisitorType::Pointer>::iterator 00201 pos = m_UserDefined.find(id); 00202 if(pos != m_UserDefined.end()) 00203 { 00204 return (*pos).second; 00205 } 00206 } 00207 return 0; 00208 } 00209 void AddVisitor(VisitorType* v) 00210 { 00211 int id = v->GetCellTopologyId(); 00212 if(id <= LAST_ITK_CELL) 00213 { 00214 m_Visitors[id] = v; 00215 } 00216 else 00217 { 00218 m_UserDefined.insert(std::map<int, VisitorPointer>::value_type(id,v)); 00219 } 00220 } 00221 ~MultiVisitor() {} 00222 protected: 00223 VisitorPointer m_Visitors[LAST_ITK_CELL]; // fixed array set to the size from the enum 00224 std::map<int,VisitorPointer> m_UserDefined; // user defined cell types go here 00225 }; 00226 00228 virtual void Accept(unsigned long cellId, MultiVisitor*)= 0; 00229 00231 virtual CellGeometry GetType(void) const =0; 00232 00235 virtual void MakeCopy( CellAutoPointer & ) const = 0; 00236 00238 virtual unsigned int GetDimension(void) const=0; 00239 00241 virtual unsigned int GetInterpolationOrder(void) const; 00242 00244 virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfPoints(void) const=0; 00245 00247 virtual CellFeatureCount GetNumberOfBoundaryFeatures(int dimension) const =0; 00248 00250 virtual bool GetBoundaryFeature(int dimension, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer & )=0; 00251 00255 virtual PointIdConstIterator GetPointIds(void) const; 00256 00260 virtual void SetPointIds(PointIdConstIterator first)=0; 00261 00266 virtual void SetPointIds(PointIdConstIterator first, 00267 PointIdConstIterator last)=0; 00268 00270 virtual void SetPointId(int localId, PointIdentifier)=0; 00271 00273 virtual PointIdIterator PointIdsBegin(void)=0; 00274 00277 virtual PointIdConstIterator PointIdsBegin(void) const =0; 00278 00280 virtual PointIdIterator PointIdsEnd(void)=0; 00281 00284 virtual PointIdConstIterator PointIdsEnd(void) const =0; 00285 00290 virtual bool GetClosestBoundary(CoordRepType [], bool* , CellAutoPointer &) 00291 {return false;} 00292 00309 virtual bool EvaluatePosition(CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00310 CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00311 CoordRepType [], 00312 CoordRepType* , 00313 InterpolationWeightType []) 00314 {return bool();} 00315 00319 virtual void EvaluateShapeFunctions( 00320 const ParametricCoordArrayType &, 00321 ShapeFunctionsArrayType &) const {} 00322 00338 virtual bool IntersectWithLine(CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00339 CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00340 CoordRepType , 00341 CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00342 CoordRepType*, 00343 CoordRepType []) {return bool();} 00344 00349 CoordRepType* GetBoundingBox(CoordRepType [PointDimension*2]) {return NULL;} 00350 00352 CoordRepType GetBoundingBoxDiagonalLength2(void) {return NULL;} 00353 00366 virtual bool IntersectBoundingBoxWithLine(CoordRepType [PointDimension*2], 00367 CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00368 CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00369 CoordRepType [PointDimension], 00370 CoordRepType* ) {return bool();} 00371 00377 virtual bool IsExplicitBoundary(void); 00378 00383 virtual void AddUsingCell(CellIdentifier cellId); 00384 00388 virtual void RemoveUsingCell(CellIdentifier cellId); 00389 00395 virtual bool IsUsingCell(CellIdentifier cellId); 00396 00400 virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfUsingCells(void); 00401 00405 virtual UsingCellsContainerIterator UsingCellsBegin(void); 00406 00410 virtual UsingCellsContainerIterator UsingCellsEnd(void); 00411 00413 itkTypeMacro(CellInterface, LightObject); 00414 00415 public: 00416 CellInterface() {} 00417 virtual ~CellInterface() {} 00421 // bool GetPointPosition(PointsContainer*, int localId, Point*)=0; 00422 00423 protected: 00425 UsingCellsContainer m_UsingCells; 00426 00427 private: 00428 CellInterface(const Self&); //purposely not implemented 00429 void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented 00430 }; 00431 00432 00450 template <int VPointDimension, typename TCoordRep, 00451 typename TInterpolationWeight, typename TPointIdentifier, 00452 typename TCellIdentifier, typename TCellFeatureIdentifier, 00453 typename TPoint, typename TPointsContainer, 00454 typename TUsingCellsContainer> 00455 class CellTraitsInfo 00456 { 00457 public: 00458 itkStaticConstMacro(PointDimension, unsigned int, VPointDimension); 00459 typedef TCoordRep CoordRepType; 00460 typedef TInterpolationWeight InterpolationWeightType; 00461 typedef TPointIdentifier PointIdentifier; 00462 typedef TCellIdentifier CellIdentifier; 00463 typedef TCellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureIdentifier; 00464 typedef TPoint PointType; 00465 typedef TPointsContainer PointsContainer; 00466 typedef TUsingCellsContainer UsingCellsContainer; 00467 typedef PointIdentifier* PointIdIterator; 00468 typedef const PointIdentifier* PointIdConstIterator; 00469 }; 00470 00471 #define itkMakeCellTraitsMacro \ 00472 CellTraitsInfo<itkGetStaticConstMacro(PointDimension), CoordRepType, \ 00473 InterpolationWeightType, \ 00474 PointIdentifier, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, \ 00475 PointType, PointsContainer, UsingCellsContainer> 00476 00477 } // end namespace itk 00478 00479 #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION 00480 #include "itkCellInterface.txx" 00481 #endif 00482 00483 #endif

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