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00001 00002 /*========================================================================= 00003 00004 Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit 00005 Module: $RCSfile: itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction.h,v $ 00006 Language: C++ 00007 Date: $Date: 2003/09/10 14:29:04 $ 00008 Version: $Revision: 1.18 $ 00009 00010 Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. 00011 See ITKCopyright.txt or for details. 00012 00013 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00014 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00015 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. 00016 00017 =========================================================================*/ 00018 #ifndef __itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction_h 00019 #define __itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction_h 00020 00021 #include "vnl/vnl_vector.h" 00022 #include "itkInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction.h" 00023 #include "itkCovariantVector.h" 00024 00025 namespace itk 00026 { 00027 00056 template <unsigned int VDimension=3, typename TInput=Point<double,3> > 00057 class ITK_EXPORT ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction: 00058 public InteriorExteriorSpatialFunction<VDimension, TInput> 00059 { 00060 public: 00061 00063 typedef ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction Self; 00064 typedef InteriorExteriorSpatialFunction<VDimension> Superclass; 00065 typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer; 00066 typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer; 00067 00069 itkTypeMacro(ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction,InteriorExteriorSpatialFunction); 00070 00072 itkNewMacro(Self); 00073 00075 typedef typename Superclass::InputType InputType; 00076 00078 typedef typename Superclass::OutputType OutputType; 00079 00081 typedef CovariantVector<double, VDimension> GradientType; 00082 00084 OutputType Evaluate(const InputType& position) const; 00085 00087 itkGetMacro( Origin, InputType); 00088 itkSetMacro( Origin, InputType); 00089 00091 GradientType GetOriginGradient() {return m_OriginGradient;} 00092 void SetOriginGradient(GradientType grad); 00093 00095 itkGetMacro( DistanceMin, double); 00096 itkSetMacro( DistanceMin, double); 00097 00099 itkGetMacro( DistanceMax, double); 00100 itkSetMacro( DistanceMax, double); 00101 00103 itkGetMacro( Epsilon, double); 00104 itkSetMacro( Epsilon, double); 00105 00107 itkGetMacro( Polarity, bool); 00108 itkSetMacro( Polarity, bool); 00109 00110 protected: 00111 ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction(); 00112 virtual ~ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction(); 00113 void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const; 00114 00115 private: 00116 ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction(const Self&); //purposely not implemented 00117 void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented 00118 00120 InputType m_Origin; 00121 00123 GradientType m_OriginGradient; 00124 00125 double m_DistanceMin; 00126 double m_DistanceMax; 00127 double m_Epsilon; 00128 bool m_Polarity; 00129 00130 }; 00131 00132 } // end namespace itk 00133 00134 #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION 00135 #include "itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction.txx" 00136 #endif 00137 00138 #endif

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