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00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit 00004 Module: $RCSfile: itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack.h,v $ 00005 Language: C++ 00006 Date: $Date: 2003/09/10 14:29:42 $ 00007 Version: $Revision: 1.10 $ 00008 00009 Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. 00010 See ITKCopyright.txt or for details. 00011 00012 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00013 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00014 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. 00015 00016 =========================================================================*/ 00017 00018 #ifndef __itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack_h 00019 #define __itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack_h 00020 00021 #include "itkFEMSolution.h" 00022 #include "itkFEMLinearSystemWrapper.h" 00023 #include "itkFEMItpackSparseMatrix.h" 00024 #include <vector> 00025 00026 00027 namespace itk { 00028 namespace fem { 00029 00036 class LinearSystemWrapperItpack : public LinearSystemWrapper 00037 { 00038 public: 00039 00041 typedef LinearSystemWrapperItpack Self; 00042 00044 typedef LinearSystemWrapper Superclass; 00045 00047 typedef ItpackSparseMatrix MatrixRepresentation; 00048 00050 typedef std::vector<MatrixRepresentation> MatrixHolder; 00051 00052 /* auto pointer to vector of matrices typedef */ 00053 /* typedef std::auto_ptr<MatrixHolder> MatrixArrayPtr; */ 00054 00056 /* typedef std::auto_ptr<double> VectorRepresentation; */ 00057 typedef double * VectorRepresentation; 00058 00060 typedef std::vector<VectorRepresentation> VectorHolder; 00061 00062 /* auto pointer to vector of vectors typedef */ 00063 /* typedef std::auto_ptr<VectorHolder> VectorArrayPtr; */ 00064 00065 /* pointer to array of unsigned int typedef */ 00066 /* typedef std::auto_ptr<unsigned int> UnsignedIntegerArrayPtr; */ 00067 00068 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00069 * 00070 * Routines for setting/reporting itpack parameters 00071 * 00072 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00073 */ 00074 00079 void SetMaximumNumberIterations(int i) { m_IPARM[0] = i; } 00080 00084 int GetMaximumNumberIterations() { return m_IPARM[0]; } 00085 00086 //void SetErrorReportingLevel(int i) { m_IPARM[1] = i; } 00087 00091 int GetErrorReportingLevel() { return m_IPARM[1]; } 00092 00097 void SetCommunicationSwitch(int i) { m_IPARM[2] = i; } 00098 00102 int GetCommunicationSwitch() { return m_IPARM[2]; } 00103 00104 //void SetOutputNumber(int i) { m_IPARM[3] = i; } 00105 00109 int GetOutputNumber() { return m_IPARM[3]; } 00110 00115 void SetSymmetricMatrixFlag(int i) { m_IPARM[4] = i; } 00116 00120 int GetSymmetricMatrixFlag() { return m_IPARM[4]; } 00121 00126 void SetAdaptiveSwitch(int i) { m_IPARM[5] = i; } 00127 00131 int GetAdaptiveSwitch() { return m_IPARM[5]; } 00132 00137 void SetAdaptiveCaseSwitch(int i) { m_IPARM[6] = i; } 00138 00142 int GetAdaptiveCaseSwitch() { return m_IPARM[6]; } 00143 00149 void SetWorkspaceUsed(int i) { m_IPARM[7] = i; } 00150 00155 int GetWorkspaceUsed() { return m_IPARM[7]; } 00156 00161 void SetRedBlackOrderingSwitch(int i) { m_IPARM[8] = i; } 00162 00166 int GetRedBlackOrderingSwitch() { return m_IPARM[8]; } 00167 00172 void SetRemoveSwitch(int i) { m_IPARM[9] = i; } 00173 00177 int GetRemoveSwitch() { return m_IPARM[9]; } 00178 00183 void SetTimingSwitch(int i) { m_IPARM[10] = i; } 00184 00188 int GetTimingSwitch() { return m_IPARM[10]; } 00189 00194 void SetErrorAnalysisSwitch(int i) { m_IPARM[11] = i; } 00195 00199 int GetErrorAnalysisSwitch() { return m_IPARM[11]; } 00200 00205 void SetAccuracy(double i) { m_RPARM[0] = i; } 00206 00210 double GetAccuracy() { return m_RPARM[0]; } 00211 00216 void SetLargestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate(double i) { m_RPARM[1] = i; } 00217 00221 double GetLargestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate() { return m_RPARM[1]; } 00222 00227 void SetSmallestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate(double i) { m_RPARM[2] = i; } 00228 00232 double GetSmallestJacobiEigenvalueEstimate() { return m_RPARM[2]; } 00233 00238 void SetDampingFactor(double i) { m_RPARM[3] = i; } 00239 00243 double GetDampingFactor() { return m_RPARM[3]; } 00244 00249 void SetOverrelaxationParameter(double i) { m_RPARM[4] = i; } 00250 00254 double GetOverrelaxationParameter() { return m_RPARM[4]; } 00255 00260 void SetEstimatedSpectralRadiusSSOR(double i) { m_RPARM[5] = i; } 00261 00265 double GetEstimatedSpectralRadiusSSOR() { return m_RPARM[5]; } 00266 00271 void SetEstimatedSpectralRadiusLU(double i) { m_RPARM[6] = i; } 00272 00276 double GetEstimatedSpectralRadiusLU() { return m_RPARM[6]; } 00277 00282 void SetTolerance(double i) { m_RPARM[7] = i; } 00283 00287 double GetTolerance() { return m_RPARM[7]; } 00288 00293 void SetTimeToConvergence(double i) { m_RPARM[8] = i; } 00294 00298 double GetTimeToConvergence() { return m_RPARM[8]; } 00299 00304 void SetTimeForCall(double i) { m_RPARM[9] = i; } 00305 00309 double GetTimeForCall() { return m_RPARM[9]; } 00310 00315 void SetDigitsInError(double i) { m_RPARM[10] = i; } 00316 00320 double GetDigitsInError() { return m_RPARM[10]; } 00321 00326 void SetDigitsInResidual(double i) { m_RPARM[11] = i; } 00327 00331 double GetDigitsInResidual() { return m_RPARM[11]; } 00332 00336 void JacobianConjugateGradient() { m_Method = 0; } 00337 00341 void JacobianSemiIterative() { m_Method = 1; } 00342 00346 void SuccessiveOverrelaxation() { m_Method = 2; } 00347 00352 void SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationConjugateGradient() { m_Method = 3; } 00353 00358 void SymmetricSuccessiveOverrelaxationSuccessiveOverrelaxation() { m_Method = 4; } 00359 00363 void ReducedSystemConjugateGradient() { m_Method = 5; } 00364 00367 void ReducedSystemSemiIteration() { m_Method = 6; } 00368 00369 00370 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00371 * 00372 * Redefine methods defined in LinearSystemWrapper 00373 * 00374 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00375 */ 00376 00382 virtual void SetMaximumNonZeroValuesInMatrix(unsigned int maxNonZeroValues) {m_MaximumNonZeroValues = maxNonZeroValues;} 00383 00384 00385 void ScaleMatrix(Float scale, unsigned int matrixIndex); 00386 00387 00388 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00389 * 00390 * Functions required by LinearSystemWrapper 00391 * 00392 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00393 */ 00394 00398 LinearSystemWrapperItpack(); 00399 00403 ~LinearSystemWrapperItpack(); 00404 00405 00406 /* memory management routines */ 00407 virtual void InitializeMatrix(unsigned int matrixIndex); 00408 00409 virtual bool IsMatrixInitialized(unsigned int matrixIndex); 00410 00411 virtual void DestroyMatrix(unsigned int matrixIndex); 00412 00413 virtual void InitializeVector(unsigned int vectorIndex); 00414 00415 virtual bool IsVectorInitialized(unsigned int vectorIndex); 00416 00417 virtual void DestroyVector(unsigned int vectorIndex); 00418 00419 virtual void InitializeSolution(unsigned int solutionIndex); 00420 00421 virtual bool IsSolutionInitialized(unsigned int solutionIndex); 00422 00423 virtual void DestroySolution(unsigned int solutionIndex); 00424 00425 /* assembly & solving routines */ 00426 virtual Float GetMatrixValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int matrixIndex) const; 00427 00428 virtual void SetMatrixValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, Float value, unsigned int matrixIndex); 00429 00430 virtual void AddMatrixValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, Float value, unsigned int matrixIndex); 00431 00432 virtual void GetColumnsOfNonZeroMatrixElementsInRow( unsigned int row, ColumnArray& cols, unsigned int matrixIndex ); 00433 00434 virtual Float GetVectorValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int vectorIndex) const; 00435 00436 virtual void SetVectorValue(unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int vectorIndex); 00437 00438 virtual void AddVectorValue(unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int vectorIndex); 00439 00440 virtual Float GetSolutionValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int solutionIndex) const; 00441 00442 virtual void SetSolutionValue(unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int solutionIndex); 00443 00444 virtual void AddSolutionValue(unsigned int i, Float value, unsigned int solutionIndex); 00445 00446 virtual void Solve(void); 00447 00448 00449 /* matrix & vector manipulation routines */ 00450 virtual void SwapMatrices(unsigned int matrixIndex1, unsigned int matrixIndex2); 00451 00452 virtual void SwapVectors(unsigned int vectorIndex1, unsigned int vectorIndex2); 00453 00454 virtual void SwapSolutions(unsigned int solutionIndex1, unsigned int solutionIndex2); 00455 00456 virtual void CopySolution2Vector(unsigned solutionIndex, unsigned int vectorIndex); 00457 00458 virtual void CopyVector2Solution(unsigned int vectorIndex, unsigned int solutionIndex); 00459 00460 virtual void MultiplyMatrixMatrix(unsigned int resultMatrixIndex, unsigned int leftMatrixIndex, unsigned int rightMatrixIndex); 00461 00462 virtual void MultiplyMatrixVector(unsigned int resultVectorIndex, unsigned int matrixIndex, unsigned int vectorIndex); 00463 00464 private: 00465 00466 00468 typedef int integer; 00469 typedef double doublereal; 00470 00472 MatrixHolder *m_Matrices; 00473 00475 VectorHolder *m_Vectors; 00476 00478 VectorHolder *m_Solutions; 00479 00481 //UnsignedIntegerArrayPtr m_MaximumNonZeroValues; 00482 unsigned int m_MaximumNonZeroValues; 00483 00485 int (*m_Methods[7])(integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 00486 integer *, doublereal *, integer *); 00487 00489 integer m_Method; 00490 00492 integer m_IPARM[12]; 00493 00495 doublereal m_RPARM[12]; 00496 00497 }; 00498 00505 class FEMExceptionItpackSolver : public FEMException 00506 { 00507 public: 00513 FEMExceptionItpackSolver(const char *file, unsigned int lineNumber, std::string location, int errorCode); 00514 00516 virtual ~FEMExceptionItpackSolver() throw() {} 00517 00519 itkTypeMacro(FEMExceptionItpackSolver,FEMException); 00520 00521 }; 00522 00523 00524 00525 }} // end namespace itk::fem 00526 00527 #endif // #ifndef __itkFEMLinearSystemWrapperItpack_h 00528 00529

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