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00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit 00004 Module: $RCSfile: itkImageRegion.h,v $ 00005 Language: C++ 00006 Date: $Date: 2003/09/10 14:29:11 $ 00007 Version: $Revision: 1.26 $ 00008 00009 Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. 00010 See ITKCopyright.txt or for details. 00011 00012 Portions of this code are covered under the VTK copyright. 00013 See VTKCopyright.txt or for details. 00014 00015 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00016 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00017 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. 00018 00019 =========================================================================*/ 00020 #ifndef __itkImageRegion_h 00021 #define __itkImageRegion_h 00022 00023 #include "itkRegion.h" 00024 #include "itkObjectFactory.h" 00025 #include "itkIndex.h" 00026 #include "itkSize.h" 00027 #include "itkContinuousIndex.h" 00028 00029 namespace itk 00030 { 00031 // Forward declaration of ImageBase so it can be declared a friend 00032 // (needed for PrintSelf mechanism) 00033 template <unsigned int VImageDimension> class ImageBase; 00034 00035 00053 template <unsigned int VImageDimension> 00054 class ITK_EXPORT ImageRegion: public Region 00055 { 00056 public: 00058 typedef ImageRegion Self; 00059 typedef Region Superclass; 00060 00062 itkTypeMacro(ImageRegion, Region); 00063 00065 itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, VImageDimension); 00066 00069 itkStaticConstMacro(SliceDimension, unsigned int, 00070 (VImageDimension - (VImageDimension > 1))); 00071 00073 static unsigned int GetImageDimension() 00074 { return VImageDimension; } 00075 00077 typedef Index<VImageDimension> IndexType; 00078 typedef typename IndexType::IndexValueType IndexValueType; 00079 00081 typedef Size<VImageDimension> SizeType; 00082 typedef typename SizeType::SizeValueType SizeValueType; 00083 00085 typedef ImageRegion<itkGetStaticConstMacro(SliceDimension)> SliceRegion; 00086 00088 virtual typename Superclass::RegionType GetRegionType() const 00089 {return Superclass::ITK_STRUCTURED_REGION;} 00090 00093 ImageRegion(); 00094 00097 virtual ~ImageRegion(); 00098 00101 ImageRegion(const Self& region): Region(region), m_Index( region.m_Index ), m_Size( region.m_Size ) {} 00102 00105 ImageRegion(const IndexType &index, const SizeType &size) 00106 { m_Index = index; m_Size = size; }; 00107 00111 ImageRegion(const SizeType &size) 00112 { m_Size = size; m_Index.Fill(0); } ; 00113 00116 void operator=(const Self& region) 00117 { m_Index = region.m_Index; m_Size = region.m_Size; }; 00118 00120 void SetIndex(const IndexType &index) 00121 { m_Index = index; }; 00122 00124 const IndexType& GetIndex() const 00125 { return m_Index; }; 00126 00129 void SetSize(const SizeType &size) 00130 { m_Size = size; }; 00131 00133 const SizeType& GetSize() const 00134 { return m_Size; } 00135 00137 void SetSize(unsigned long i, SizeValueType sze) 00138 { m_Size[i] = sze; } 00139 SizeValueType GetSize(unsigned long i) const 00140 { return m_Size[i]; } 00141 00143 void SetIndex(unsigned long i, IndexValueType sze) 00144 { m_Index[i] = sze; } 00145 IndexValueType GetIndex(unsigned long i) const 00146 { return m_Index[i]; } 00147 00149 bool 00150 operator==(const Self &region) const 00151 { 00152 bool same = 1; 00153 same = (m_Index == region.m_Index); 00154 same = same && (m_Size == region.m_Size); 00155 return same; 00156 } 00157 00159 bool 00160 operator!=(const Self &region) const 00161 { 00162 bool same = 1; 00163 same = (m_Index == region.m_Index); 00164 same = same && (m_Size == region.m_Size); 00165 return !same; 00166 } 00167 00168 00170 bool 00171 IsInside(const IndexType &index) const 00172 { 00173 for(unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++) 00174 { 00175 if( index[i] < m_Index[i] ) 00176 { 00177 return false; 00178 } 00179 if( index[i] >= m_Index[i] + static_cast<long>(m_Size[i]) ) 00180 { 00181 return false; 00182 } 00183 } 00184 return true; 00185 } 00186 00188 template <typename TCoordRepType> 00189 bool 00190 IsInside(const ContinuousIndex<TCoordRepType,VImageDimension> &index) const 00191 { 00192 for(unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++) 00193 { 00194 if( index[i] < static_cast<TCoordRepType>( m_Index[i] ) ) 00195 { 00196 return false; 00197 } 00198 // bound is the last valid pixel location 00199 const TCoordRepType bound = static_cast<TCoordRepType>( 00200 m_Index[i] + static_cast<long>(m_Size[i]) - 1); 00201 00202 if( index[i] > bound ) 00203 { 00204 return false; 00205 } 00206 } 00207 return true; 00208 } 00209 00210 00212 bool 00213 IsInside(const Self &region) const 00214 { 00215 IndexType beginCorner = region.GetIndex(); 00216 if( ! this->IsInside( beginCorner ) ) 00217 { 00218 return false; 00219 } 00220 IndexType endCorner; 00221 SizeType size = region.GetSize(); 00222 for(unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++) 00223 { 00224 endCorner[i] = beginCorner[i] + size[i] - 1; 00225 } 00226 if( ! this->IsInside( endCorner ) ) 00227 { 00228 return false; 00229 } 00230 return true; 00231 } 00232 00235 unsigned long GetNumberOfPixels() const; 00236 00240 void PadByRadius(unsigned long radius); 00241 void PadByRadius(const unsigned long radius[VImageDimension]); 00242 void PadByRadius(const SizeType &radius); 00243 00248 bool Crop(const Self& region); 00249 00253 SliceRegion Slice(const unsigned long dim) const; 00254 00255 protected: 00260 virtual void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const; 00261 00262 private: 00263 IndexType m_Index; 00264 SizeType m_Size; 00265 00267 friend class ImageBase<VImageDimension>; 00268 }; 00269 00270 00271 template<unsigned int VImageDimension> 00272 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ImageRegion<VImageDimension> &region) 00273 { 00274 region.Print(os); 00275 return os; 00276 } 00277 00278 } // end namespace itk 00279 00280 #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION 00281 #include "itkImageRegion.txx" 00282 #endif 00283 00284 #endif 00285

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