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00001 /*========================================================================= 00002 00003 Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit 00004 Module: $RCSfile: itkMesh.h,v $ 00005 Language: C++ 00006 Date: $Date: 2003/10/15 15:46:05 $ 00007 Version: $Revision: 1.88 $ 00008 00009 Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved. 00010 See ITKCopyright.txt or for details. 00011 00012 Portions of this code are covered under the VTK copyright. 00013 See VTKCopyright.txt or for details. 00014 00015 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 00016 the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 00017 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. 00018 00019 =========================================================================*/ 00020 #ifndef __itkMesh_h 00021 #define __itkMesh_h 00022 00023 #if defined(_MSC_VER) 00024 #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) 00025 #endif 00026 00027 #include "itkPointSet.h" 00028 #include "itkCellInterface.h" 00029 #include "itkMapContainer.h" 00030 #include <vector> 00031 #include <set> 00032 00033 00034 namespace itk 00035 { 00036 00043 template <typename TMesh> 00044 struct GetMeshDimension 00045 { 00046 itkStaticConstMacro(MaxTopologicalDimension, unsigned int, TMesh::MaxTopologicalDimension); 00047 itkStaticConstMacro(PointDimension, unsigned int, TMesh::PointDimension); 00048 }; 00049 00050 00110 template < 00111 typename TPixelType, 00112 unsigned int VDimension = 3, 00113 typename TMeshTraits = DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType , VDimension, VDimension > 00114 > 00115 class ITK_EXPORT Mesh : public PointSet<TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits> 00116 { 00117 public: 00119 typedef Mesh Self; 00120 typedef PointSet<TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits> Superclass; 00121 typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer; 00122 typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer; 00123 00124 typedef typename Superclass::RegionType RegionType; 00125 00127 itkNewMacro(Self); 00128 00130 itkTypeMacro(Mesh, PointSet); 00131 00133 typedef TMeshTraits MeshTraits; 00134 typedef typename MeshTraits::PixelType PixelType; 00135 typedef typename MeshTraits::CellPixelType CellPixelType; 00136 00138 itkStaticConstMacro(PointDimension, unsigned int, 00139 TMeshTraits::PointDimension); 00140 itkStaticConstMacro(MaxTopologicalDimension, unsigned int, 00141 TMeshTraits::MaxTopologicalDimension); 00142 00145 typedef enum { CellsAllocationMethodUndefined, 00146 CellsAllocatedAsStaticArray, 00147 CellsAllocatedAsADynamicArray, 00148 CellsAllocatedDynamicallyCellByCell 00149 } CellsAllocationMethodType; 00150 00152 typedef typename MeshTraits::CoordRepType CoordRepType; 00153 typedef typename MeshTraits::InterpolationWeightType InterpolationWeightType; 00154 typedef typename MeshTraits::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier; 00155 typedef typename MeshTraits::CellIdentifier CellIdentifier; 00156 typedef typename MeshTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureIdentifier; 00157 typedef typename MeshTraits::PointType PointType; 00158 typedef typename MeshTraits::PointsContainer PointsContainer; 00159 typedef typename MeshTraits::CellTraits CellTraits; 00160 typedef typename MeshTraits::CellsContainer CellsContainer; 00161 typedef typename MeshTraits::PointCellLinksContainer PointCellLinksContainer; 00162 typedef typename MeshTraits::CellLinksContainer CellLinksContainer; 00163 typedef typename MeshTraits::PointDataContainer PointDataContainer; 00164 typedef typename MeshTraits::CellDataContainer CellDataContainer; 00165 00167 typedef PointLocator<PointIdentifier,itkGetStaticConstMacro(PointDimension), 00168 CoordRepType,PointsContainer> PointLocatorType; 00169 typedef BoundingBox<PointIdentifier,itkGetStaticConstMacro(PointDimension), 00170 CoordRepType,PointsContainer> BoundingBoxType; 00171 00173 typedef typename PointsContainer::Pointer PointsContainerPointer; 00174 typedef typename CellsContainer::Pointer CellsContainerPointer; 00175 typedef typename CellLinksContainer::Pointer CellLinksContainerPointer; 00176 typedef typename PointDataContainer::Pointer PointDataContainerPointer; 00177 typedef typename CellDataContainer::Pointer CellDataContainerPointer; 00178 typedef typename PointLocatorType::Pointer PointLocatorPointer; 00179 typedef typename BoundingBoxType::Pointer BoundingBoxPointer; 00180 00182 typedef typename 00183 PointsContainer::ConstIterator PointsContainerConstIterator; 00184 typedef typename 00185 PointsContainer::Iterator PointsContainerIterator; 00186 typedef typename 00187 CellsContainer::ConstIterator CellsContainerConstIterator; 00188 typedef typename 00189 CellsContainer::Iterator CellsContainerIterator; 00190 typedef typename 00191 CellLinksContainer::ConstIterator CellLinksContainerIterator; 00192 typedef typename 00193 PointDataContainer::ConstIterator PointDataContainerIterator; 00194 typedef typename 00195 CellDataContainer::ConstIterator CellDataContainerIterator; 00196 typedef typename 00197 PointCellLinksContainer::const_iterator PointCellLinksContainerIterator; 00198 00200 typedef CellFeatureIdentifier CellFeatureCount; 00201 00203 typedef CellInterface<CellPixelType,CellTraits> CellType; 00204 typedef typename CellType::CellAutoPointer CellAutoPointer; 00205 00207 typedef typename CellType::MultiVisitor CellMultiVisitorType; 00208 00209 00210 00218 class BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier 00219 { 00220 public: 00222 typedef BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier Self; 00223 00226 BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier() {} 00227 BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier(CellIdentifier cellId, 00228 CellFeatureIdentifier featureId): 00229 m_CellId(cellId), m_FeatureId(featureId) {} 00230 00232 CellIdentifier m_CellId; 00233 00235 CellFeatureIdentifier m_FeatureId; 00236 00239 bool operator < (const Self& r) const 00240 { 00241 return ((m_CellId < r.m_CellId) || 00242 ((m_CellId == r.m_CellId) && (m_FeatureId < r.m_FeatureId))); 00243 } 00244 00247 bool operator == (const Self& r) const 00248 { 00249 return ((m_CellId == r.m_CellId) && (m_FeatureId == r.m_FeatureId)); 00250 } 00251 }; // End Class: Mesh::BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier 00252 00253 00261 typedef MapContainer< BoundaryAssignmentIdentifier , CellIdentifier > 00262 BoundaryAssignmentsContainer; 00263 typedef typename BoundaryAssignmentsContainer::Pointer 00264 BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer; 00265 typedef std::vector< BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer > 00266 BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector; 00267 00268 00269 protected: 00270 00273 CellsContainerPointer m_CellsContainer; 00274 00279 CellDataContainerPointer m_CellDataContainer; 00280 00284 CellLinksContainerPointer m_CellLinksContainer; 00285 00295 BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector m_BoundaryAssignmentsContainers; 00296 00297 public: 00299 unsigned long GetNumberOfCells() const; 00300 void PassStructure(Self* inputMesh); 00301 virtual void Initialize(); 00302 00307 void SetCellLinks(CellLinksContainer*); 00308 CellLinksContainerPointer GetCellLinks(); 00309 const CellLinksContainerPointer GetCellLinks() const; 00310 00313 void SetCells(CellsContainer*); 00314 CellsContainerPointer GetCells(); 00315 const CellsContainerPointer GetCells() const; 00316 00321 void SetCellData(CellDataContainer*); 00322 CellDataContainerPointer GetCellData(); 00323 const CellDataContainerPointer GetCellData() const; 00324 00333 void SetBoundaryAssignments(int dimension, 00334 BoundaryAssignmentsContainer*); 00335 BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer GetBoundaryAssignments(int dimension); 00336 const BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer GetBoundaryAssignments( 00337 int dimension) const; 00338 00344 void SetCell(CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer & ); 00345 bool GetCell(CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer & ) const; 00346 00349 void SetCellData(CellIdentifier, CellPixelType); 00350 bool GetCellData(CellIdentifier, CellPixelType*) const; 00351 00364 void SetBoundaryAssignment(int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, 00365 CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, 00366 CellIdentifier boundaryId); 00367 00376 bool GetBoundaryAssignment(int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, 00377 CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, 00378 CellIdentifier* boundaryId) const; 00379 bool RemoveBoundaryAssignment(int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, 00380 CellFeatureIdentifier featureId); 00381 00383 CellFeatureCount GetNumberOfCellBoundaryFeatures(int dimension, 00384 CellIdentifier) const; 00385 00388 bool GetCellBoundaryFeature(int dimension, CellIdentifier, 00389 CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer& ) const; 00390 00395 unsigned long GetCellBoundaryFeatureNeighbors( 00396 int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, 00397 std::set<CellIdentifier>* cellSet); 00398 00403 unsigned long GetCellNeighbors( CellIdentifier cellId, 00404 std::set<CellIdentifier>* cellSet ); 00405 00413 bool GetAssignedCellBoundaryIfOneExists(int dimension, CellIdentifier, 00414 CellFeatureIdentifier, 00415 CellAutoPointer& ) const; 00416 00419 void BuildCellLinks(); 00420 00424 BoundingBoxPointer GetCellBoundingBox(CellIdentifier cellId, 00425 BoundingBoxPointer bbox); 00426 00430 virtual void Accept(CellMultiVisitorType* mv); 00431 00433 virtual void UpdateOutputInformation(); 00434 virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion(); 00435 virtual void CopyInformation(const DataObject *data); 00436 virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion(); 00437 virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion(); 00438 00441 int GetMaximumNumberOfRegions() const 00442 {return m_MaximumNumberOfRegions;} 00443 00448 virtual void SetRequestedRegion(DataObject *data); 00449 00451 virtual void SetRequestedRegion( const RegionType & region ); 00452 itkGetMacro( RequestedRegion, RegionType ); 00453 00458 itkSetMacro( CellsAllocationMethod, CellsAllocationMethodType ); 00459 itkGetConstMacro( CellsAllocationMethod, CellsAllocationMethodType ); 00460 00461 protected: 00463 Mesh(); 00464 ~Mesh(); 00465 void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const; 00466 00470 void ReleaseCellsMemory(); 00471 00472 private: 00473 Mesh(const Self&); //purposely not implemented 00474 void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented 00475 00476 CellsAllocationMethodType m_CellsAllocationMethod; 00477 00478 }; // End Class: Mesh 00479 00480 } // end namespace itk 00481 00482 #ifndef ITK_MANUAL_INSTANTIATION 00483 #include "itkMesh.txx" 00484 #endif 00485 00486 #endif 00487 00488 00489

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