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00001 /*=========================================================================
00003   Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
00004   Module:    $RCSfile: PointSet1.cxx,v $
00005   Language:  C++
00006   Date:      $Date: 2005/02/08 03:51:53 $
00007   Version:   $Revision: 1.16 $
00009   Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
00010   See ITKCopyright.txt or for details.
00012      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
00013      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
00014      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
00016 =========================================================================*/
00017 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00018 #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 )
00019 #endif
00021 //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00022 //
00023 //  The \code{itk::PointSet} is a basic class intended to represent geometry
00024 //  in the form of a set of points in n-dimensional space. It is the base
00025 //  class for the \code{itk::Mesh} providing the methods necessary to
00026 //  manipulate sets of point. Points can have values associated with
00027 //  them. The type of such values is defined by a template parameter of the
00028 //  \code{itk::PointSet} class (i.e., \code{TPixelType}. Two basic
00029 //  interaction styles of PointSets are available in ITK. These styles are
00030 //  referred to as \emph{static} and \emph{dynamic}. The first style is used
00031 //  when the number of points in the set is known in advance and is not
00032 //  expected to change as a consequence of the manipulations performed on the
00033 //  set. The dynamic style, on the other hand, is intended to support
00034 //  insertion and removal of points in an efficient manner. Distinguishing
00035 //  between the two styles is meant to facilitate the fine tuning of a
00036 //  \code{PointSet}'s behavior while optimizing performance and memory
00037 //  management.
00038 //
00039 //  \index{itk::PointSet}
00040 //  \index{itk::PointSet!Static}
00041 //  \index{itk::PointSet!Dynamic}
00042 //
00043 //  In order to use the PointSet class, its header file should be included.
00044 //
00045 //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00047 // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00048 #include "itkPointSet.h"
00049 // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00051 int main(int, char *[])
00052 {
00053   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00054   //
00055   //  Then we must decide what type of value to associate with the
00056   //  points. This is generally called the \code{PixelType} in order to make the
00057   //  terminology consistent with the \code{itk::Image}. The PointSet is also 
00058   //  templated over the dimension of the space in which the points are
00059   //  represented. The following declaration illustrates a typical
00060   //  instantiation of the PointSet class.
00061   //
00062   //  \index{itk::PointSet!Instantiation}
00063   //
00064   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00066   // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00067   typedef itk::PointSet< unsigned short, 3 > PointSetType;
00068   // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00071   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00072   //
00073   //  A \code{PointSet} object is created by invoking the \code{New()} method
00074   //  on its type.  The resulting object must be assigned to a
00075   //  \code{SmartPointer}.  The PointSet is then reference-counted and can be
00076   //  shared by multiple objects. The memory allocated for the PointSet will
00077   //  be released when the number of references to the object is reduced to
00078   //  zero. This simply means that the user does not need to be concerned
00079   //  with invoking the \code{Delete()} method on this class.  In fact, the
00080   //  \code{Delete()} method should \textbf{never} be called directly within
00081   //  any of the reference-counted ITK classes.
00082   //
00083   //  \index{itk::PointSet!New()}
00084   //  \index{itk::PointSet!Pointer}
00085   //
00086   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00088   // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00089   PointSetType::Pointer  pointsSet = PointSetType::New();
00090   // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00093   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00094   //
00095   //  Following the principles of Generic Programming, the \code{PointSet} class has a
00096   //  set of associated defined types to ensure that interacting objects can be
00097   //  declared with compatible types. This set of type definitions is
00098   //  commonly known as a set of \emph{traits}.  Among them we can find the
00099   //  \code{PointType} type, for example.  This is the type used by the point set to
00100   //  represent points in space.  The following declaration takes the point
00101   //  type as defined in the \code{PointSet} traits and renames it to be conveniently
00102   //  used in the global namespace.
00103   //
00104   //  \index{itk::PointSet!PointType}
00105   //
00106   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00108   // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00109   typedef PointSetType::PointType     PointType;
00110   // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00113   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00114   //
00115   //  The \code{PointType} can now be used to declare point objects to be
00116   //  inserted in the \code{PointSet}. Points are fairly small objects, so
00117   //  it is inconvenient to manage them with reference counting and smart
00118   //  pointers. They are simply instantiated as typical C++ classes. The Point
00119   //  class inherits the \code{[]} operator from the \code{itk::Array} class.
00120   //  This makes it possible to access its components using index notation. For
00121   //  efficiency's sake no bounds checking is performed during index access. It is
00122   //  the user's responsibility to ensure that the index used is in the range
00123   //  $\{0,Dimension-1\}$. Each of the components in the point is associated
00124   //  with space coordinates. The following code illustrates how to instantiate
00125   //  a point and initialize its components.
00126   //
00127   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00129   // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00130   PointType p0;
00131   p0[0] = -1.0;     //  x coordinate
00132   p0[1] = -1.0;     //  y coordinate
00133   p0[2] =  0.0;     //  z coordinate
00134   // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00137   PointType p1;
00139   p1[0] =  1.0; // Point 1 = { 1,-1,0 } 
00140   p1[1] = -1.0; 
00141   p1[2] =  0.0;
00144   PointType p2; // Point 2 = { 1,1,0 }
00145   p2[0] =  1.0; 
00146   p2[1] =  1.0; 
00147   p2[2] =  0.0; 
00149   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00150   //
00151   //  Points are inserted in the PointSet by using the \code{SetPoint()} method.
00152   //  This method requires the user to provide a unique identifier for the
00153   //  point. The identifier is typically an unsigned integer that will enumerate
00154   //  the points as they are being inserted. The following code shows how three
00155   //  points are inserted into the PointSet.
00156   //
00157   //  \index{itk::PointSet!SetPoint()}
00158   //
00159   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00161   // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00162   pointsSet->SetPoint( 0, p0 );
00163   pointsSet->SetPoint( 1, p1 );
00164   pointsSet->SetPoint( 2, p2 );
00165   // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00168   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00169   //
00170   // It is possible to query the PointSet in order to determine how many points
00171   // have been inserted into it. This is done with the \code{GetNumberOfPoints()}
00172   // method as illustrated below.
00173   //
00174   //  \index{itk::PointSet!GetNumberOfPoints()}
00175   //
00176   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00178   // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00179   const unsigned int numberOfPoints = pointsSet->GetNumberOfPoints();
00180   std::cout << numberOfPoints << std::endl;
00181   // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00184   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00185   //
00186   // Points can be read from the PointSet by using the \code{GetPoint()} method
00187   // and the integer identifier. The point is stored in a pointer provided by
00188   // the user. If the identifier provided does not match an
00189   // existing point, the method will return \code{false} and the contents of the
00190   // point will be invalid. The following code illustrates point access
00191   // using defensive programming.
00192   //
00193   //  \index{itk::PointSet!GetPoint()}
00194   //
00195   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00197   // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
00198   PointType pp;
00199   bool pointExists =  pointsSet->GetPoint( 1, & pp );
00201   if( pointExists ) 
00202     {
00203     std::cout << "Point is = " << pp << std::endl;
00204     }
00205   // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
00208   //  Software Guide : BeginLatex
00209   //
00210   // \code{GetPoint()} and \code{SetPoint()} are not the most efficient methods
00211   // to access points in the PointSet. It is preferable to get direct access
00212   // to the internal point container defined by the \emph{traits} and use
00213   // iterators to walk sequentially over the list of points (as shown in
00214   // the following example).
00215   //
00216   //  Software Guide : EndLatex 
00218   return 0;
00219 }

Generated at Sun Mar 11 23:25:28 2007 for ITK by doxygen 1.5.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000