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Geometric Transformation Filters

Collaboration diagram for Geometric Transformation Filters:

Detailed Description

Geometric transformation Filters transform the coordinates of an image in various ways. Examples of geometric transformation Filters available in ITK are: image shrinking, and affine transformation.


 Image Pyramid Filters


class  itk::ChangeInformationImageFilter< TInputImage >
 Change the origin, spacing and/or region of an Image. More...
class  itk::ConstantPadImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Increase the image size by padding with a constant value. More...
class  itk::CropImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Decrease the image size by cropping the image by an itk::Size at both the upper and lower bounds of the largest possible region. More...
class  itk::ExtractImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Decrease the image size by cropping the image to the selected region bounds. More...
class  itk::FlipImageFilter< TImage >
 Flips an image across user specified axes. More...
class  itk::JoinSeriesImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Join N-D images into an (N+1)-D image. More...
class  itk::MirrorPadImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Increase the image size by padding with replicants of the input image value. More...
class  itk::NonThreadedShrinkImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Reduce the size of an image by an integer factor. More...
class  itk::PadImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Increase the image size by padding. Superclass for filters that fill in extra pixels. More...
class  itk::PasteImageFilter< TInputImage, TSourceImage, TOutputImage >
 Paste an image into another image. More...
class  itk::PermuteAxesImageFilter< TImage >
 Permutes the image axes according to a user specified order. More...
class  itk::RegionOfInterestImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Extract a region of interest from the input image. More...
class  itk::ResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >
 Resample an image via a coordinate transform. More...
class  itk::ShrinkImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Reduce the size of an image by an integer factor in each dimension. More...
class  itk::VectorResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >
 Resample an image via a coordinate transform. More...
class  itk::WarpImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TDeformationField >
 Warps an image using an input deformation field. More...
class  itk::WarpVectorImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TDeformationField >
 Warps an image using an input deformation field. More...
class  itk::WrapPadImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Increase the image size by padding with replicants of the input image value. More...

Generated at Mon Mar 12 03:34:44 2007 for ITK by doxygen 1.5.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000