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[NumericsComponents of Registration Methods]

Collaboration diagram for Optimizers:

Detailed Description

See also:
Components of Registration Methods
Set of Optimization methods. Some of these methods are adaptors for classes already defined in the VNL library. These methods have been particularly tailored to be used as modular components in the registration framework.


class  itk::AmoebaOptimizer
 Wrap of the vnl_amoeba algorithm. More...
class  itk::ConjugateGradientOptimizer
 Wrap of the vnl_conjugate_gradient. More...
class  itk::CostFunction
 Base class for cost functions intended to be used with Optimizers. More...
class  itk::CumulativeGaussianOptimizer
 This is an optimizer specific to estimating the parameters of Cumulative Gaussian sampled data. More...
class  itk::ExhaustiveOptimizer
 Optimizer that fully samples a grid on the parametric space. More...
class  itk::FRPROptimizer
 Implements Fletch-Reeves & Polak-Ribiere optimization using dBrent line search - adapted from Numerical Recipes in C (first edition). More...
class  itk::GradientDescentOptimizer
 Implement a gradient descent optimizer. More...
class  itk::LBFGSBOptimizer
 Limited memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shannon minimization with simple bounds. More...
class  itk::LBFGSOptimizer
 Wrap of the vnl_lbfgs algorithm. More...
class  itk::LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer
 Wrap of the vnl_levenberg_marquardt algorithm. More...
class  itk::MultipleValuedCostFunction
 This class is a base for the CostFunctions returning a multiple values. More...
class  itk::MultipleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
 This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a multiple valued function. More...
class  itk::MultipleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
 This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a multi-valued function. More...
class  itk::MultipleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
 This class is an Adaptor that allows to pass itk::MultipleValuedCostFunctions to vnl_optimizers expecting a vnl_cost_function. More...
class  itk::NonLinearOptimizer
 Wrap of the vnl_nonlinear_minimizer to be adapted. More...
class  itk::OnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizer
 1+1 evolutionary strategy optimizer More...
class  itk::Optimizer
 Generic representation for an optimization method. More...
class  itk::PowellOptimizer
 Implements Powell optimization using Brent line search - adapted from Numerical Recipes in C (first edition). More...
class  itk::QuaternionRigidTransformGradientDescentOptimizer
 Implement a gradient descent optimizer. More...
class  itk::RegularStepGradientDescentBaseOptimizer
 Implement a gradient descent optimizer. More...
class  itk::RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer
 Implement a gradient descent optimizer. More...
class  itk::ShapePriorMAPCostFunction< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
 Represents the maximum aprior (MAP) cost function used ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter to estimate the shape paramaeters. More...
class  itk::ShapePriorMAPCostFunctionBase< TFeatureImage, TOutputPixel >
 Represents the base class of maximum aprior (MAP) cost function used ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter to estimate the shape paramaeters. More...
class  itk::SingleValuedCostFunction
 This class is a base for the CostFunctions returning a single value. More...
class  itk::SingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer
 This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a single valued function. More...
class  itk::SingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
 This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a single valued function. More...
class  itk::SingleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
 This class is an Adaptor that allows to pass itk::SingleValuedCostFunctions to vnl_optimizers expecting a vnl_cost_function. More...
class  itk::SPSAOptimizer
 An optimizer based on simultaneous perturbation... More...
class  itk::VersorRigid3DTransformOptimizer
 Implement a gradient descent optimizer for the VersorRigid3DTransform parameter space. More...
class  itk::VersorTransformOptimizer
 Implement a gradient descent optimizer. More...

Generated at Mon Mar 12 03:34:47 2007 for ITK by doxygen 1.5.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000