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itkMaximumRatioDecisionRule2.h File Reference

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class  itk::Statistics::MaximumRatioDecisionRule2
 This rule returns $i$ if $\frac{f_{i}(\overrightarrow{x})}{f_{j}(\overrightarrow{x})} > \frac{K_{j}}{K_{i}}$ for all $j \not= i$, where the $i$ is the index of a class which has membership function $f_{i}$ and its prior value (usually, the a priori probability or the size of a class) is $K_{i}$. More...


namespace  itk
namespace  itk::Statistics

Generated at Mon Jul 12 2010 20:21:00 for ITK by doxygen 1.7.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000