ITK  4.0.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Todo List

Member itk::AffineTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::Rotate2D (TScalarType angle, bool pre=0)
Find a way to generate a compile-time error is this is used with NDimensions != 2.

Member itk::AffineTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >::Rotate3D (const OutputVectorType &axis, TScalarType angle, bool pre=0)
Find a way to generate a compile-time error is this is used with NDimensions != 3.

Class itk::AnisotropicDiffusionFunction< TImage >

Automatically generate the time step value from image dimensionality and order of the equations

Class itk::AzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform< TScalarType, NDimensions >

Is there any real value in allowing the user to template over the scalar type? Perhaps it should always be double, unless there's a compatibility problem with the Point class.

Derive this class from a yet undefined TransformBase class. Currently, this class derives from AffineTransform, although it is not an affine transform.

Class itk::BilateralImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >

Support color images

Support vector images

Class itk::CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
Edge-linking will be added when an itk connected component labeling algorithm is available.

Member itk::CurvatureFlowFunction< TImage >::ComputeGlobalTimeStep (void *GlobalData) const
compute timestep based on CFL condition.

Class itk::CurvatureNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction< TImage >


Member itk::EdgeDecimationQuadEdgeMeshFilter< TInput, TOutput, TCriterion >::CheckOrientation (OutputQEType *iEdge, const OutputPointIdentifier &iId, const OutputPointType &iPt)
Finish to implement this method!

Class itk::FastMarchingBase< TInput, TOutput >
In the current implemenation, std::priority_queue only allows taking nodes out from the front and putting nodes in from the back. Use itk::PriorityQueueContainer instead.

Class itk::FiniteDifferenceFunction< TImageType >
Possibly subclass this object from Function. Stumbling blocks here are the specialized api of FiniteDifferenceFunction.

Class itk::HexahedronCell< TCellInterface >
When reviewing this class, the documentation of the template parameters MUST be fixed.

Class itk::ImageMomentsCalculator< TImage >

It's not yet clear how multi-echo images should be handled here.

Member itk::InverseDisplacementFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::KernelTransformType
Check that input and output images have the same number of dimensions; this is required for consistency.

Member itk::LevelSetContainerBase< TIdentifier, TLevelSet >::SetHeaviside (HeavisideType *_arg)
add documentation

Class itk::LevelSetDenseImageBase< TImage >
Think about using image iterators instead of GetPixel()

Member itk::LevelSetEquationLaplacianTerm< TInput, TLevelSetContainer >::Initialize (const LevelSetInputIndexType &)
to be documented.

Member itk::LevelSetEquationPropagationTerm< TInput, TLevelSetContainer >::Initialize (const LevelSetInputIndexType &)
to be documented.

Member itk::LevelSetEquationPropagationTerm< TInput, TLevelSetContainer >::Update ()
to be documented.

Member itk::LevelSetEquationTermBase< TInputImage, TLevelSetContainer >::Initialize (const LevelSetInputIndexType &iP)=0
to be documented.

Member itk::LevelSetEquationTermContainerBase< TInputImage, TLevelSetContainer >::Initialize (const LevelSetInputIndexType &iP)

Member itk::LevelSetQuadEdgeMeshBase< TMesh >::EvaluateGradient (const InputType &iP) const
to be implemented

Member itk::LevelSetQuadEdgeMeshBase< TMesh >::EvaluateGradient (const InputType &iP, LevelSetDataType &ioData) const
to be implemented

Member itk::LevelSetQuadEdgeMeshBase< TMesh >::EvaluateHessian (const InputType &iP) const
to be implemented

Member itk::LevelSetQuadEdgeMeshBase< TMesh >::EvaluateHessian (const InputType &iP, LevelSetDataType &ioData) const
to be implemented

Class itk::LevelSetSparseImageBase< TOutput, VDimension >
Think about using image iterators instead of GetPixel()

Member itk::magicMAP
FIXME: This is a very easy way to declare a string constant

Class itk::MapRecord

Add documentation

Member itk::Matrix< T, NRows, NColumns >::CompatibleSquareMatrixType
In the future, the method should be templated to allow multiplication by NColumns by XRows.

Member itk::MRCImageIO::m_MetaDataHeaderName
Move to itkIOCommon with the other MetaDataDictionary keys, likely rename the symbol to something like ITK_MRCHHeader. (remember to fix class doc too)

Class itk::NeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition >

Better support for regions with negative indicies.

Add Begin() and End() methods?

Class itk::NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilter< TInputMesh, TOutputMesh >

Fix run-time issues regarding the difference between the Traits of TInputMesh and the one of TOutputMesh. Right now, it only works if TInputMesh::MeshTraits == TOutputMesh::MeshTraits (and of course it requires that the output have some itk::Vector for point data and cell data.

Class itk::OctreeNode

FIXME copy & paste documentation in all methods.

Member itk::QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator< TMesh, TQE >::~QuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator ()
do we need here a : Superclass( mesh, start, seed ) { }

Class itk::SimpleFilterWatcher
Allow any stream object to be used for the output (not just std::cout)

Class itk::Statistics::ImageToListSampleFilter< TImage, TMaskImage >
In future allow the filter to take a Spatial object as input so a generic spatial object like an ellipse etc can be used as a mask. Sure the ImageMaskSpatialObject can represent image masks too, so why not make SpatialObjects the default. I think the ImageMaskSpatialObject is slow in terms of inefficient iteration through the image.

Member itk::StreamingImageIOBase::ReadBufferAsBinary (std::istream &is, void *buffer, SizeType num)
Move this method to itk::ImageIOBase

Member itk::StreamingImageIOBase::WriteBufferAsBinary (std::ostream &is, const void *buffer, SizeType num)
Move this methods to itk::ImageIOBase

Member itk::VectorResampleImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TInterpolatorPrecisionType >::TransformType
Check that input and output images have the same number of dimensions; this is required by the current implementation of AffineTransform.

Member itk::VoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetMeanPercentError (double x[6])

Member itkQEAccessorsMacro (st, pt, dt)
Should this macro be added to doxygen macros?