ITK  4.1.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Module ITKDisplacementField
Group Filtering
+ Collaboration diagram for Module ITKDisplacementField:


class  itk::BSplineSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransform< TScalar, NDimensions >
 Representation of a smooth deformation field with B-splines. More...
class  itk::ComposeDisplacementFieldsImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Compose two displacement fields. More...
class  itk::DisplacementFieldJacobianDeterminantFilter< TInputImage, TRealType, TOutputImage >
 Computes a scalar image from a vector image (e.g., deformation field) input, where each output scalar at each pixel is the Jacobian determinant of the vector field at that location. This calculation is correct in the case where the vector image is a "displacement" from the current location. The computation for the jacobian determinant is: det[ dT/dx ] = det[ I + du/dx ]. More...
class  itk::DisplacementFieldTransform< TScalar, NDimensions >
 Provides local/dense/high-dimensionaltiy transformation via a a displacement field. More...
class  itk::GaussianSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransform< TScalar, NDimensions >
 Modifies the UpdateTransformParameters method to peform a Gaussian smoothing of the displacement field after adding the update array. More...
class  itk::GaussianSmoothingOnUpdateTimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform< TScalar, NDimensions >
 Modifies the UpdateTransformParameters method to peform a Gaussian smoothing of the velocity field after adding the update array. More...
class  itk::InverseDisplacementFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Computes the inverse of a displacement field. More...
class  itk::InvertDisplacementFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Iteratively estimate the inverse field of a displacement field. More...
class  itk::IterativeInverseDisplacementFieldImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Computes the inverse of a displacement field. More...
class  itk::LandmarkDisplacementFieldSource< TOutputImage >
 Computes a displacement field from two sets of landmarks. More...
class  itk::TimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransform< TScalar, NDimensions >
 Integrate a time-varying velocity field represented by a B-spline control point lattice. More...
class  itk::TimeVaryingVelocityFieldIntegrationImageFilter< TTimeVaryingVelocityField, TDisplacementField >
 Integrate a time-varying velocity field using 4th order Runge-Kutta. More...
class  itk::TimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform< TScalar, NDimensions >
 Transform objects based on integration of a time-varying velocity field. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains filters for computing and manipulating deformation fields. In ITK a deformation field is usually represented as an image of vectors. That is, every pixel contains a vector. In this module you will find filters for: computing a deformation field from a transform, computing inverse deformation fields, and computing the Jacobian Determinant of a deformation field.
