ITK  4.3.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Modules | Classes
Data Representation Objects
+ Collaboration diagram for Data Representation Objects:


 Image Representation Objects
 Mesh Representation Objects
 Path Representation Objects
 Geometry Representation Objects


class  itk::Array< TValueType >
 Array class with size defined at construction time. More...
class  itk::Array2D< TValueType >
 Array2D class representing a 2D array with size defined at construction time. More...
class  itk::AttributeLabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension, TAttributeValue >
 A LabelObject with a generic attribute. More...
class  itk::BoundingBox< TPointIdentifier, VPointDimension, TCoordRep, TPointsContainer >
 Represent and compute information about bounding boxes. More...
class  itk::ColorTable< TPixel >
 Define a color table for image visualisation. More...
class  itk::ConstantBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 This boundary condition returns a constant value for out-of-bounds image pixels. More...
class  itk::LabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >::ConstIndexIterator
class  itk::VectorContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >::ConstIterator
class  itk::MapContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >::ConstIterator
 The const iterator type for the map. More...
class  itk::CovariantVector< T, NVectorDimension >
 A templated class holding a n-Dimensional covariant vector. More...
class  itk::DataObject
 Base class for all data objects in ITK. More...
class  itk::FixedArray< TValueType, VLength >
 Simulate a standard C array with copy semnatics. More...
class  itk::ImageBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 A virtual base object that defines an interface to a class of boundary condition objects for use by neighborhood iterators. More...
class  itk::IndexedContainerInterface< TElementIdentifier, TElement >
 This should only be used for reference when writing containers conforming to this interface. This should only be used for reference when writing containers conforming to this interface. ITK uses generic programming to allow container type substitution, so polymorphism is not needed to use containers through this interface. This means that a container conforming to this interface need not be derived from it, and that their methods should not be virtual. However, the container must derive from Object in order to support the reference counting, modification time, and debug information required by this interface. More...
class  itk::VectorContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >::Iterator
class  itk::MapContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >::Iterator
 The non-const iterator type for the map. More...
class  itkTreeIteratorClone
 itkTreeIteratorClone class More...
class  itk::LabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >
 The base class for the representation of an labeled binary object in an image. More...
class  itk::LightObject
 Light weight base class for most itk classes. More...
class  itk::MapContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >
 A wrapper of the STL "map" container. More...
class  itk::Matrix< T, NRows, NColumns >
 A templated class holding a M x N size Matrix. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< T >
 Define additional traits for native types such as int or float. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< CovariantVector< T, D > >
 Define numeric traits for CovariantVector. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< DiffusionTensor3D< T > >
 Define numeric traits for DiffusionTensor3D. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< FixedArray< T, D > >
 Define numeric traits for FixedArray. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< RGBAPixel< T > >
 Define numeric traits for RGBAPixel. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< RGBPixel< T > >
 Define numeric traits for RGBPixel. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< std::vector< T > >
 Define numeric traits for std::vector. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< SymmetricSecondRankTensor< T, D > >
 Define numeric traits for SymmetricSecondRankTensor. More...
class  itk::NumericTraits< VariableLengthVector< T > >
 Define numeric traits for VariableLengthVector. More...
class  itk::Object
 Base class for most ITK classes. More...
class  itk::PeriodicBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 A function object that determines values outside of image boundaries according to periodic (wrap-around) conditions. More...
class  itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension >
 A templated class holding a geometric point in n-Dimensional space. More...
class  itk::Region
 A region represents some portion or piece of data. More...
class  itk::ShapeLabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >
 A Label object to store the common attributes related to the shape of the object. More...
class  itk::SpatialObjectTreeContainer< TDimension >
 Array class with size defined at construction time. More...
class  itk::StatisticsLabelObject< TLabel, VImageDimension >
 A Label object to store the common attributes related to the statistics of the object. More...
class  itk::TreeContainer< TValueType >
 A tree container. More...
class  itk::TreeContainerBase< TValueType >
 A base class for tree containers. More...
class  itk::TreeNode< TValueType >
 Represents a node in a tree. More...
class  itk::ValarrayImageContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >
 Defines a front-end to the std\::<valarray> container that conforms to the ImageContainerInterface. More...
class  itk::VariableLengthVector< TValueType >
 Represents an array whose length can be defined at run-time. More...
class  itk::VariableSizeMatrix< T >
 A templated class holding a M x N size Matrix. More...
class  itk::Vector< T, NVectorDimension >
 A templated class holding a n-Dimensional vector. More...
class  itk::VectorContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement >
 Define a front-end to the STL "vector" container that conforms to the IndexedContainerInterface. More...
class  itk::Versor< T >
 A templated class holding a unit quaternion. More...
class  itk::ZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 A function object that determines a neighborhood of values at an image boundary according to a Neumann boundary condition where first, upwind derivatives on the boundary are zero. This is a useful condition in solving some classes of differential equations. More...

Detailed Description

The Insight Toolkit includes several data representation objects such as Image, Mesh, Pixel, Points, etc.