ITK  4.3.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Module ITKGPUSmoothing
Group Filtering
+ Collaboration diagram for Module ITKGPUSmoothing:


class  itk::GPUDiscreteGaussianImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Blurs an image by separable convolution with discrete gaussian kernels. This filter performs Gaussian blurring by separable convolution of an image and a discrete Gaussian operator (kernel). GPUNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter is used to compute 1D directional discrete Gaussian filtering for each axis. More...
class  itk::GPUMeanImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 GPU-enabled implementation of the MeanImageFilter. More...
class  itk::GPUMeanImageFilterFactory
 Object Factory implemenatation for GPUMeanImageFilter. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains the GPU implementation of the most common image smoothing filters. For example, Gaussian and Median filters. You may also find it interesting to look at the ITKAnisotropicSmoothing group of filters.
