ITK  4.8.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
* Copyright Insight Software Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Software Guide : BeginCommandLineArgs
// INPUTS: {BrainProtonDensitySlice.png}
// OUTPUTS: {MathematicalMorphologyBinaryErosionOutput.png}
// OUTPUTS: {MathematicalMorphologyBinaryDilationOutput.png}
// ARGUMENTS: 150 180
// Software Guide : EndCommandLineArgs
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// The following section illustrates the use of filters that perform basic
// mathematical morphology operations on binary images. The
// \doxygen{BinaryErodeImageFilter} and \doxygen{BinaryDilateImageFilter} are
// described here. The filter names clearly specify the type of image on which
// they operate. The header files required to construct a simple example of
// the use of the mathematical morphology filters are included below.
// \index{itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter!header}
// \index{itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter!header}
// Software Guide : EndLatex
#include "itkImage.h"
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
if( argc < 6 )
std::cerr << "Usage: " << std::endl;
std::cerr << argv[0] << " inputImageFile ";
std::cerr << " outputImageFileErosion outputImageFileDilation";
std::cerr << " lowerThreshold upperThreshold " << std::endl;
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// The following code defines the input and output pixel types and their
// associated image types.
// Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
const unsigned int Dimension = 2;
typedef unsigned char InputPixelType;
typedef unsigned char OutputPixelType;
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// Mathematical morphology operations are implemented by applying an
// operator over the neighborhood of each input pixel. The combination of
// the rule and the neighborhood is known as \emph{structuring
// element}. Although some rules have become de facto standards for image
// processing, there is a good deal of freedom as to what kind of
// algorithmic rule should be applied to the neighborhood. The
// implementation in ITK follows the typical rule of minimum for
// erosion and maximum for dilation.
// The structuring element is implemented as a NeighborhoodOperator. In
// particular, the default structuring element is the
// \doxygen{BinaryBallStructuringElement} class. This class is instantiated
// using the pixel type and dimension of the input image.
// Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
Dimension > StructuringElementType;
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// The structuring element type is then used along with the input and output
// image types for instantiating the type of the filters.
// Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
StructuringElementType > ErodeFilterType;
StructuringElementType > DilateFilterType;
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Creation of Reader and Writer filters
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
WriterType::Pointer writerDilation = WriterType::New();
WriterType::Pointer writerErosion = WriterType::New();
ThresholdFilterType::Pointer thresholder = ThresholdFilterType::New();
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// The filters can now be created by invoking the \code{New()} method and
// assigning the result to \doxygen{SmartPointer}s.
// \index{itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter!New()}
// \index{itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter!New()}
// \index{itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter!Pointer}
// \index{itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter!Pointer}
// Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
ErodeFilterType::Pointer binaryErode = ErodeFilterType::New();
DilateFilterType::Pointer binaryDilate = DilateFilterType::New();
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// The structuring element is not a reference counted class. Thus it is
// created as a C++ stack object instead of using \code{New()} and
// SmartPointers. The radius of the neighborhood associated with the
// structuring element is defined with the \code{SetRadius()} method and the
// \code{CreateStructuringElement()} method is invoked in order to
// initialize the operator. The resulting structuring element is passed to
// the mathematical morphology filter through the \code{SetKernel()} method,
// as illustrated below.
// \index{itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement!SetRadius()}
// \index{itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement!CreateStructuringElement()}
// \index{itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter!SetKernel()}
// \index{itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter!SetKernel()}
// \index{SetRadius()!itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement}
// \index{SetKernel()!itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter}
// \index{SetKernel()!itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter}
// \index{SetRadius()!itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement}
// \index{CreateStructuringElement()!itk::BinaryBallStructuringElement}
// Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
StructuringElementType structuringElement;
structuringElement.SetRadius( 1 ); // 3x3 structuring element
binaryErode->SetKernel( structuringElement );
binaryDilate->SetKernel( structuringElement );
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
reader->SetFileName( argv[1] );
writerErosion->SetFileName( argv[2] );
writerDilation->SetFileName( argv[3] );
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// A binary image is provided as input to the filters. This image might be,
// for example, the output of a binary threshold image filter.
// Software Guide : EndLatex
const InputPixelType lowerThreshold = atoi( argv[4] );
const InputPixelType upperThreshold = atoi( argv[5] );
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
thresholder->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );
InputPixelType background = 0;
InputPixelType foreground = 255;
thresholder->SetOutsideValue( background );
thresholder->SetInsideValue( foreground );
thresholder->SetLowerThreshold( lowerThreshold );
thresholder->SetUpperThreshold( upperThreshold );
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
binaryErode->SetInput( thresholder->GetOutput() );
binaryDilate->SetInput( thresholder->GetOutput() );
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// The values that correspond to ``objects'' in the binary image are
// specified with the methods \code{SetErodeValue()} and
// \code{SetDilateValue()}. The value passed to these methods will be
// considered the value over which the dilation and erosion rules will
// apply.
// \index{itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter!SetDilateValue()}
// \index{itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter!SetErodeValue()}
// \index{SetDilateValue()!itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter}
// \index{SetErodeValue()!itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter}
// Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
binaryErode->SetErodeValue( foreground );
binaryDilate->SetDilateValue( foreground );
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// The filter is executed by invoking its \code{Update()} method, or by
// updating any downstream filter, such as an image writer.
// \index{itk::BinaryDilateImageFilter!Update()}
// \index{itk::BinaryErodeImageFilter!Update()}
// Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
writerDilation->SetInput( binaryDilate->GetOutput() );
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
writerErosion->SetInput( binaryErode->GetOutput() );
// Software Guide : BeginLatex
// \begin{figure}
// \center
// \includegraphics[width=0.32\textwidth]{BinaryThresholdImageFilterOutput}
// \includegraphics[width=0.32\textwidth]{MathematicalMorphologyBinaryErosionOutput}
// \includegraphics[width=0.32\textwidth]{MathematicalMorphologyBinaryDilationOutput}
// \itkcaption[Effect of erosion and dilation in a binary image.]{Effect of
// erosion and dilation in a binary image.}
// \label{fig:MathematicalMorphologyBinaryFilters}
// \end{figure}
// Figure \ref{fig:MathematicalMorphologyBinaryFilters} illustrates the
// effect of the erosion and dilation filters on a binary image from a MRI
// brain slice. The figure shows how these operations can be used to remove
// spurious details from segmented images.
// Software Guide : EndLatex