ITK  4.8.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
#include "itkMesh.h"
#include "itkLineCell.h"
const unsigned int Dimension = 3;
MeshType::Pointer CreatePointOnlyMesh();
void CreateMeshWithEdges();
int main(int, char *[])
return 0;
MeshType::Pointer CreatePointOnlyMesh()
MeshType::Pointer mesh = MeshType::New();
// Create points
MeshType::PointType p0,p1,p2,p3;
p0[0]= -1.0; p0[1]= -1.0; p0[2]= 0.0; // first point ( -1, -1, 0 )
p1[0]= 1.0; p1[1]= -1.0; p1[2]= 0.0; // second point ( 1, -1, 0 )
p2[0]= 1.0; p2[1]= 1.0; p2[2]= 0.0; // third point ( 1, 1, 0 )
p3[0]= 1.0; p3[1]= 1.0; p3[2]= 1.0; // third point ( 1, 1, 1 )
mesh->SetPoint( 0, p0 );
mesh->SetPoint( 1, p1 );
mesh->SetPoint( 2, p2 );
mesh->SetPoint( 3, p3 );
std::cout << "Points = " << mesh->GetNumberOfPoints() << std::endl;
// Access points
typedef MeshType::PointsContainer::Iterator PointsIterator;
PointsIterator pointIterator = mesh->GetPoints()->Begin();
PointsIterator end = mesh->GetPoints()->End();
while( pointIterator != end )
MeshType::PointType p = pointIterator.Value(); // access the point
std::cout << p << std::endl; // print the point
++pointIterator; // advance to next point
return mesh;
void CreateMeshWithEdges()
MeshType::Pointer mesh = CreatePointOnlyMesh();
typedef MeshType::CellType::CellAutoPointer CellAutoPointer;
// Create a link to the previous point in the column (below the current point)
CellAutoPointer colline;
colline.TakeOwnership( new LineType );
//unsigned int pointId0 = 0;
//unsigned int pointId1 = 1;
unsigned int pointId0 = 2;
unsigned int pointId1 = 3;
colline->SetPointId(0, pointId0); // line between points 0 and 1
colline->SetPointId(1, pointId1);
//std::cout << "Linked point: " << MeshIndex << " and " << MeshIndex - 1 << std::endl;
mesh->SetCell( 0, colline );
typedef MeshType::CellsContainer::Iterator CellIterator;
CellIterator cellIterator = mesh->GetCells()->Begin();
CellIterator CellsEnd = mesh->GetCells()->End();
while( cellIterator != CellsEnd )
MeshType::CellType * cellptr = cellIterator.Value();
LineType * line = dynamic_cast<LineType *>( cellptr );
long unsigned int* linePoint0 = line->PointIdsBegin();
//long unsigned int* linePoint1 = line->PointIdsEnd();
long unsigned int* linePoint1 = linePoint0+1;
std::cout << "line first point id: " << *linePoint0 << std::endl;
std::cout << "line second point id: " << *linePoint1 << std::endl;