ITK/Survey of Toolkit Impact

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The ISC is interested in measuring the impact that ITK has had in the community. For this purpose we are drafting a survey to be sent to the developers and users list. The current proposed questions are listed below.

Final List

  1. For how long have you used ITK ?
    1. Less than 1 Year
    2. 1 to 2 years
    3. 2 to 3 years
    4. 3 to 4 years
    5. 4 to 5 years
    6. 5 to 6 years
  2. How many of your publications have benefited from your use of ITK ?
  3. In how many of your publications have you cited ITK ?
  4. How many grant proposal have your submitted that benefited from using ITK ?
    1. Did you used ITK for preparing preliminary data ?
    2. Did you proposed to use ITK as part of the research that the grant would fund ?
    3. Funding agency:
      1. How many were submitted to NSF ?
      2. How many were submitted to NIH ?
      3. How many were submitted to DOD ?
      4. How many were submitted to DOE ?
      5. How many were submitted to NASA ?
      6. How many to other funding agencies ? [Specify]
    4. How many were funded ?
  5. Have you contributed code to ITK,
    1. (Checkbox) in the form of bug reports or bug fixes
    2. (Checkbox) in the form of papers to the Insight Journal
    3. (Checkbox) by direct CVS write access
  6. Have ITK make possible for you to undertake specific projects that you wouldn't have done if ITK wasn't available ?
  7. Have you made use of the Insight Software Guide (PDF and/or Printed Book)?
  8. Have you attended ITK courses (curriculum or Conferences) ?
  9. Have you made use of the ITK Online Tutorials ?
  10. Have you teached courses using ITK ?
  11. Have you used ITK in commercial applications ?
  12. Have you integrated ITK into software applications (yes/no) ?
    1. How many pre-existing applications ?
    2. How many were new applications ?
  13. Have you released any applications/toolkits that use ITK (yes/no) ?
    1. How many as only binaries ?
    2. How many as open source ?
  14. Would you recommended ITK to others ?
  15. In what areas have you used ITK ?
    1. Basic research (e.g. Astronomy) ?
    2. Computer Vision (e.g. pattern recognition) ?
    3. General Image Processing (e.g. Satellite Images) ?
    4. Pre-clinical research
    5. Clinical research
    6. Bio-Medical applications
  16. Do you consider the learning-curve for using ITK to be:
    1. (Checkbox) Difficult
    2. (Checkbox) Moderate
    3. (Checkbox) Easy
  17. What could be changed in ITK to make it more useful to you?
    1. (Checkbox) More documentation (Add ITK Software Guide, Add to Online Tutorials)
    2. (Checkbox) More source code examples
    3. (Checkbox) More courses presented in conferences (e.g. SPIE, MICCAI)
    4. (Checkbox) Adding more algorithms
    5. (Checkbox) Adding more image file formats (readers/writers)
    6. (Checkbox) Better wrapping
    7. (Checkbox) Support for distributed computing
  18. When considering a new problem, what percentage of the time do you consider the use of methods in ITK for the solution?
    1. less than 25%
    2. 25% to 50 %
    3. 55% to 75 %
    4. 75% to 100 %
  19. What percentage of your questions to the ITK users and/or developers mailing list have been answered?
    1. less than 25%
    2. 25% to 50 %
    3. 55% to 75 %
    4. 75% to 100 %
  20. How would you qualify the response time to your questions in the users-list
    1. Very Fast
    2. Fast
    3. Moderate
    4. Slow
    5. Very Slow
  21. Open Comments Field

Draft List

Please send any suggestions for additional survey questions to the developers list.

  1. How many people in your institution use ITK ?
  2. For how long have you used ITK ?
  3. How many publications have benefited from your use of ITK ?
  4. How many grant proposal have your submitted that benefited from using ITK ?
    1. How many were funded ?
  5. Have you contributed code to ITK ?
  6. Have ITK make possible for you to undertake specific projects that you wouldn't have done if ITK wasn't available ?
  7. What other tools do you use for medical image analysis ?
    1. Matlab
    2. IDL
    3. Khoros
    4. VTK
    5. What did ITK replaced in your set of tools ?
  8. Have you made use of the Insight Software Guide ?
  9. Have you made use of the ITK online tutorials ?
  10. Have you attended ITK courses ?
  11. Have you teached courses using ITK ?
  12. Have you used ITK in commercial applications ?
  13. How many algorithms have you used from ITK
  14. How many segmentation tasks have you solved with the help of ITK?
  15. How many registration tasks have you solved with the help of ITK?
  16. Have you integrated ITK into existing solutions?
  17. Have you written new solutions using ITK?
  18. Have you cited the role/utility of ITK during talks / presentations?
  19. Have you recommended ITK to others?
  20. Have you used ITK for basic research?
  21. Have you used ITK for applied (yet non-clinical) research?
  22. Have you used ITK in clinical research?
  23. Have you used ITK in applications you have given to others?
  24. Have you used ITK to develop preliminary data for grant proposals?
  25. Have you used ITK in NIH funded work?
  26. Have you used ITK in NSF funded work?
  27. Has ITK enabled you to get new/additional funding for your research?
  28. Has the time spent learning ITK cost more or less than your benefits from ITK?
  29. When considering a new problem, what percentage of the time do you consider the use of methods in ITK for the solution?
  30. When considering a new problem, what percentage of the time do you think ITK would be able to contribute to the solution?
  31. How many times have you posted questions to the users' list?
  32. What percent of your questions posted to the users' list have been answered?
  33. What is your favorite color?

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