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= Annotation =
In ParaView, there are several ways to annotate the data to better understand or explain it. Several of the annotations can be interactively placed in the 3D scene. The parameters of the annotations are controlled using traditional user interface elements. Some types of annotation are discussed in other parts of this book. See the section on [[ParaView/Users_Guide/Selection#Label Selected Cell/Points|Selection]] for information about labeling selected points or cells in a data set.
== Scalar Bar ==
The most straightforward way to display a scalar bar (or color legend) in the active 3D view is to use the color legend visibility button [[File:ParaView_UsersGuide_ColorLegendButton.png||link=]] on the '''Active Variables Control''' toolbar. When the data set selected in the '''Pipeline Browser''' is being colored by a variable (i.e., something other than '''Solid Color''' is selected in the '''Color by''' menu on the '''Display''' tab), this button is active. Clicking it toggles the visibility (in the selected 3D view) of a scalar bar showing the mapping from data values to colors for that variable.
<center>'''Figure 4. Scalar Bar displaying X-component of Normals'''</center>
Clicking the '''Edit Color Map''' button to the right of the [[File:ParaView_UsersGuide_ColorLegendButton.png||link=]]'''Color Legend''' button brings up the '''Color Scale Editor''' dialog. As described in the [ Displaying Data] chapter you have precise control over the mapping between data values and visible colors on the '''Color Scale''' tab of that dialog.
On the '''Color Legend ''' tab, there are several different parameters that allow you to contol the appearance of the color legend itself. First is the '''Show Color Legend''' check box which toggles the visibility of the scalar bar (color legend) in the 3D view. This has the same effect as using the color legend visibility button. Below the '''Show Color Legend''' check button are the controls for displaying the title and labels on the scalar bar. In the '''Title''' section, the '''Text''' entry box specifies the label that appears above the scalar bar. It defaults to the name of the array used for coloring the data set. If the current data set is being colored by a vector array, the value of the second entry box defaults to specifying how the color is determined from the vector (i.e., '''X''', '''Y''', '''Z''', or '''Magnitude'''). The entry box labeled '''Labels''' contains formatting text specifying the form of the scalar bar labels (numbers). The format specification used is the same as that used by the printf function in C++.
<center>'''Figure 5. The color legend tab of the Color Scale Editor dialog'''</center>
Below each of the '''Title''' and '''Labels''' entry boxes are controls for determining how the title and labels will be drawn in the display area. The leftmost control is a menu for choosing the font; the available fonts are '''Ariel''' (the default), '''Courier''', and '''Times'''. Next are three formatting attribute buttons controlling whether the text is boldfaced, italicized, or shadowed, respectively. The next interface control is a spin box for controlling the text’s opacity. It ranges from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
At the bottom of this tab is a '''Number of Labels''' spin box. This determines how many scalar-value labels will be shown alongside the scalar bar. To the right of that is an "Aspect Ratio" spin box which allows you to make the scalar bar relatively thinner or thicker.
When the scalar bar is displayed in the 3D scene, it can be positioned and resized interactively, similar to interacting with [[Users Guide Widgets|3D widgets]].  Clicking and dragging the scalar bar with the left mouse button repositions it in the display area. If the scalar bar begins to move beyond the left or right side of the display area, it is reoriented vertically. It is reoriented in a horizontal direction if it is moving off-screen at the top or bottom of the display area. The scalar bar can be resized by left-clicking and dragging any of its sides or corners.
== Orientation Axes ==
When interacting with data in ParaView, it can be difficult to determine how the data set is oriented in 3D. To remedy this problem, a marker showing labeled 3D axes (i.e., orientation axes) can be displayed. The orientation of the axes matches that of the data, and the axes reorient themselves as the camera is rotated about the 3D scene.
<center>'''Figure 5. 3D Orientation Axes'''</center>
The user interface controls for the orientation axes are located in the '''Annotation''' section of the '''View Settings''' dialog (''Edit''' menu, '''View Settings''') for the 3D view. The check box beside the '''Orientation Axes''' label toggles the visibility of the orientation axes. The '''Interactive''' check box controls whether the orientation axes can be repositioned and resized through mouse interaction, similar to interacting with [[Users Guide Widget|3D widgets]]. Left-clicking and dragging the orientation axes repositions them in the 3D view. When the orientation axes are in interactive mode, a bounding rectangle (outline) is displayed around the axes when the mouse moves over them. Left-clicking and dragging on the edges of this outline resizes the orientation axes. From the '''Set Outline Color''' button (enabled when '''Interactive''' is checked), you can change the color used for displaying the bounding rectangle. This is useful for making the outline more visible if its current color is similar to the color of the background or any object behind the outline (if the orientation axes are placed in front of a data set). The orientation axes are always drawn in front of any data set occupying the same portion of the 3D view. The '''Axis Label Color''' button allows you to change the color of the labels for the three axes. The reasons for changing the color of the axis labels are similar to those for changing the outline color.
<center>'''Figure 6. User interface controls for orientation axes (in 3D view’s view settings dialog)'''</center>
== Center of Rotation ==
On the same dialog box you also have control over whether or not the center of rotation should be annotated. This annotation demarcates the location in space about which the camera rotates. ParaView uses the center of the initial data set loaded into the pipeline as the default value. You can control this placement and display of the center of rotation display via the '''Center Axes Control"'' toolbar (''View''' menu, '''Toolbars''',  '''Center Axes Control'''. If you need to specify an exact coordinate you may do so via the '''Adjust Camera''' dialog exposed by the righmost button on the left set of buttons above the 3D view.
== Text Display ==
Often users want to display additional text in the 3D view (e.g., when generating a still image or an animation). In ParaView, there are a variety of ways to do this, all through the use of sources and filters. The '''Text''' source displays 2D text in the 3D scene, the '''3D Text''' source does the same for 3D text, and the '''Annotate Time''' filter shows the current time using a text annotation in the 3D view.
=== Text Source ===
The '''Text''' source allows you display arbitrary 2D text on top of a 3D view. It is available from the '''Sources''' menu. On its '''Properties''' tab, enter whatever text you wish to be displayed in the '''Text''' entry area, and press the '''Apply''' button.
Once the text has been added to the 3D view, you can reposition it within the view by left-clicking and dragging the text. (A bounding box will be displayed around the text.) By default, the text is displayed in the lower left corner of the 3D view.
The '''Display''' tab in the '''Object Inspector''' for the '''Text''' source is different than for most other sources and filters displayed in the 3D view. Specific controls are given for positioning the text and setting various font properties.
<center>'''Figure 7. Display tab for the Text source'''</center>
The first check box, '''Show Text''', toggles the visibility of the text in the 3D view. This corresponds to the eye icon in the '''Pipeline Browser''' for this source. The '''Interactive''' check box below it determines whether the text may be interactively repositioned by clicking and dragging in the 3D view.
The '''Text Property''' section of the '''Display''' tab allows you to specify various parameters relating to the font used for displaying the text. The '''Font Size''' spin box determines how large the letters in the text will be. The '''Font''' menu determines which font type will be used: '''Ariel''', '''Courier''', or '''Times'''. The three buttons beside this menu indicate whether the text will be drawn boldfaced, italicized, and/or using shadows. The '''Align''' menu specifies whether the text will be left-, center-, or right-aligned within its bounds box. The '''Opacity''' spin box determines how opaque the text appears. An opacity value of 0 corresponds to completely transparent text, while an opacity value of 1 means completely opaque text. The '''Color''' button beside the Opacity spin box allows you to choose a color for the text.
The '''Text Position''' of the '''Display''' tab is used for specifying exactly where in the 3D view the text appears. If '''Use Window Location''' is unchecked, then the '''Lower Left Corner''' section is active. The two spin boxes provided determine the X and Y coordinates of the lower left corner of the bounding box of the text, specified in normalized coordinates (starting from the lower left corner of the view).
If '''Use Window Location''' is checked, then the six buttons in that section of the interface become available. They allow you to choose various locations within the view for anchoring the text. Using the top row of buttons, you may place the text in the upper left corner, in the top center of the view, or in the upper right corner, respectively. The bottom row of button behaves similarly for the bottom portion of the 3D view.
=== 3D Text Source ===
Whereas the '''Text''' source (described above) positions text in 2D, overlaying the 3D scene, the '''3D Text''' source places text ''in'' the 3D scene. The text is affected by rotation, panning, and zooming as is any other object in the 3D scene. The '''Display''' tab for sources of this type is the same as for any other reader, source, or filter displaying data in a 3D view.
=== Annotate Time Filter ===
The '''Annotate Time''' filter is useful for labeling a time-varying data set or animation with ParaView’s current time in a 3D view. It is drawn as a 2D label, similar to the output of the '''Text''' source. The '''Properties''' tab for this filter provides a single text box labeled '''Format'''. From this text box, you may specify a format string (printf style) indicating how the label will appear in the scene. As with the output of the '''Text''' source, this label may be interactively repositioned in the scene. The '''Display''' tab for this source is the same as the one for the '''Text''' source; it is described earlier in this section.
<center>'''Figure 8. Using the Annotate Time filter to display the current time in a time-varying data set'''</center>

Latest revision as of 18:39, 14 January 2015

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