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(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 03:27, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/OffScreenRendering (content was: "This example renders a scene directly to a file without displaying a window. You must turn on VTK_OPENGL_HAS_OSMESA in the VTK advanced build configuration. ==OffScreenRendering.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 int main(int, char *argv[]) { std::cout << argv[0] << " requires VTK 5.10 or earlier. This VTK version is " << vtkVersion::GetVTKVersion() << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #else #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/PCAStatistics (content was: "Note: You need the git version of VTK from 10/12/2010 or later to use this functionality. ==PCAStatistics.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" #include "vtkDoubleArray.h" #include "vtkMultiBlockDataSet.h" #include "vtkPCAStatistics.h" #include "vtkStringArray.h" #include "vtkTable.h" int main(int, char*[]) { // Each one of these arrays is a single component of // the data. That is, if you have 3D spatial data (x,y,z) // you need...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/PiecewiseFunction (content was: "==PiecewiseFunction.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPiecewiseFunction.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkPiecewiseFunction> piecewiseFunction = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPiecewiseFunction>::New(); piecewiseFunction->AddPoint(0.0, 0.0); piecewiseFunction->AddPoint(1.0, 2.0); double test = piecewiseFunction->GetValue(0.25); std::cout << "test: " << test << " (should be 0.5)" << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } <...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/Screenshot (content was: "<div class="floatright">300px|thumb|right|Output file</div> This example shows how to save the window to a file (png in this case). You can combine this with the [[../../Interaction/KeypressEvents|handle keypress events]] example to make a useful functionality. ==Screenshot.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #in...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/ShepardMethod (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Utilities_TestShepardMethod.png</div> This example samples unstructured points onto structured points using the Shepard method. The example starts with two points which have associated scalars (0 (black) and 1(white)). The results are displayed by coloring planes between the two points with the corresponding interpolated values. The values are reflected by black (0) to white (1). ==ShepardMethod.cxx== <source lang="cpp">...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/SortDataArray (content was: "==SortDataArray.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSortDataArray.h> #include <vtkDoubleArray.h> #include <vtkIntArray.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> valueArray = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray>::New(); valueArray->InsertNextValue(20.0); valueArray->InsertNextValue(10.0); valueArray->InsertNex...", and the only contributor was "Daviddoria" (talk))
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/SparseArray (content was: "==SparseArray.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkSparseArray.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkSparseArray<double> > array = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSparseArray<double> >::New(); array->Resize(5,1); array->SetNullValue(-1); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { array->SetValue(i, 0, i); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { double val = array->GetValue(i,0); std::cout << val << std::endl; }...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/TimeStamp (content was: "==TimeStamp.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkTimeStamp.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkTimeStamp timeStamp; std::cout << "Time stamp: " << timeStamp << std::endl; timeStamp.Modified(); std::cout << "Time stamp: " << timeStamp << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } </source> {{VTKCMakeLists|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}} Category:VTKNoVizRequired")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/Timer (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Utilities_TestTimer.png</div> This example demonstrates how to use a timer with an interactor. It outputs a count every specified interval. ==Timer.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkCommand.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRendererCollection.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> class vtkTimerCallback : public vtkCommand { public: static vtkT...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/TimerLog (content was: "==TimerLog.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkTimerLog.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkTimerLog> timerLog = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTimerLog>::New(); std::cout << "Current time: " << timerLog->GetUniversalTime() << std::endl; timerLog->MarkEvent("opened file"); timerLog->MarkEvent("did other stuff"); std::cout << "Timer log:" << *timerLog << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } </source> {{VTKCMakeList...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/UnknownLengthArray (content was: "The only difference between this example and the KnownLengthArray example is that <code>SetNumberOfValues()</code> is not called, and <code>SetValue()</code> is replaced by <code>InsertNextValue()</code>. ==UnknownLengthArray.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkFloatArray.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> distances = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New(); distance...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/Variant (content was: "==Variant.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVariant.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> int main(int, char *[]) { double dVal = vtkVariant("2").ToDouble(); std::cout << "dVal: " << dVal << std::endl; std::string strVal = vtkVariant(dVal).ToString(); std::cout << "strVal: " << strVal << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } </source> {{VTKCMakeLists|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}} Category:VTKNoVizRequired")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/Vector (content was: "==Vector.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkVector.h> #include <iostream> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkVector3d v(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); std::cout << v.GetX() << " " << v.GetY() << " " << v.GetZ() << std::endl; double* vals = v.GetData(); std::cout << vals[0] << " " << vals[1] << " " << vals[2] << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } </source> {{VTKCMakeLists|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}} Category:VTKNoVizRequired")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/VectorArrayKnownLength (content was: "This example creates a VTK style float array of vectors. This can be easily interchanged with vtkIntArray, vtkDoubleArray, etc. ==VectorArrayKnownLength.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkFloatArray.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> distances = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New(); distances->SetName("Distances"); distances->SetNumberOfComponents(3); distances->SetNumberOfTuples(5); //set values for(...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/VectorArrayUnknownLength (content was: "This example creates a VTK style float array of vectors. This can be easily interchanged with vtkIntArray, vtkDoubleArray, etc. The only difference between this example and the KnownLengthArrayOfVectors example is that <code>SetNumberOfValues()</code> is not called, and <code>SetTuple()</code> is replaced by <code>InsertNextTuple()</code>. ==VectorArrayUnknownLength.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Utilities/WindowModifiedEvent (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Utilities_TestWindowModified.png</div> This example limits the horizontal window size to 400. ==WindowModifiedEvent.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkCallbackCommand.h> void WindowModifiedCal...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/LabelPlacementMapper (content was: "This example demonstrates how to add labels from an array to points. Each point is given a priority that determines which labels are visible when space is limited. <div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestLabelPlacementMapper.png</div> ==LabelPlacementMapper.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkActor2D.h> #include <vtkIntArray.h> #include <vtkLabelPlacementMapper.h> #include <vtkPointData.h> #include <vtkPointSetToLabelHi...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/LabelMesh (content was: "<div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestLabeledMesh.png</div> This example was translated into C++ from its TCL counterpart by Jake Nickel from the University of Iowa. It demonstrates the use of vtkLabeledDataMapper. This class is used for displaying numerical data from an underlying data set. In the case of this example, the underlying data are the point and cell ids. ==LabeledMesh.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" #incl...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/LabelContours (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestLabelContours.png</div> This example labels isolines created by vtkContourFilter. After the isolines are generated, the resulting disconnected lines segments are gathered into polylines by vtkStripper. Then an appropriate position along each line is chosen to place the label for the contour. Two strategies for label placement are illustrated: a point at the midpoint of the line or a random point. vtkLabele...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/LODProp3D (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestLODProp3D.png</div> If you have a fast graphics card, you may not see a difference. ==LODProp3D.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkLODProp3D.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkCallbackCommand.h> #include <vtkProperty...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/KochSnowflake (content was: "<div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestKochSnowflake.png</div> ==Description== This demo uses recursion to represent a Koch snowflake fractal. For more information about this fractal, there are many resources on the web:, There is also a Python version of this demo: ==KochS...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/ImageOrientation (content was: "<div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestImageOrientation.png</div> ==ImageOrientation.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkImageData.h> #include <vtkImageMapper3D.h> #include <vtkImagePermute.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkImageActor.h> #include <vtkImageEllipsoidSource.h> #include <vtkImageCast.h> i...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/ImageMapper (content was: "This example demonstrates how to display an image in 2D. The size and position are in screen coordinates. <div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestImageMapper.png</div> ==ImageMapper.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include <vtkImageData.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkImageMapper.h> #in...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/HideAllActors (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestHideActors.png</div> Display two spheres, then hide everything and turn the screen red. ==HideAllActors.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.h> #i...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/HideActor (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestHideActor.png</div> Display two spheres, then hide one, then hide both. ==HideActor.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkPropCollection.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyleTrackballC...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/HedgeHog (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestHedgeHog.png</div> ==HedgeHog.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" #include "vtkActor.h" #include "vtkCamera.h" #include "vtkFloatArray.h" #include "vtkHedgeHog.h" #include "vtkMath.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkPoints.h" #include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h" #include "vtkProperty.h" #include "vtkRenderWindow.h" #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h" #include...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/Glyph3DMapper (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestGlyph3DMapper.png</div> ==Glyph3DMapper.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkCubeSource.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkPoints.h> #include <vtkGlyph3DMapper.h> #include <vtkCellArray.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/Follower (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestFollower.png</div> The text is a 3D actor and is placed in 3D space, but stays right side up and facing the camera, while the cube does not. ==Follower.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkCubeSource.h> #include <vtkFollower.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyle.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRende...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/FlatShading (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestFlatShading.png</div> ==FlatShading.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> int main (int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphereSource> sphereSource = vtkSmartPo...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/FastSplatter (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestFastSplatter.png</div> ==FastSplatter.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include "vtkImageData.h" #include "vtkImageShiftScale.h" #include "vtkFastSplatter.h" #include "vtkImageViewer2.h" #include "vtkPoints.h" #include "vtkPolyData.h" #include "vtkRenderer.h" #include "vtkRenderWindow.h" #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h" #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" #include <cmath> const int SPLAT_...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/ElevationBandsWithGlyphs (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestElevationBandsWithGlyphs.png</div> == Description == In this example we are coloring the surface by partitioning the elevation into bands and using arrows to display the normals on the surface. Rather beautiful surfaces are generated. The banded contour filter and an indexed lookup table are used along with the elevation filter to generate the banding on the surface. To further enhance the surface the s...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/DrawText (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestDrawText.png</div> This example writes "Hello world" in the bottom left corner of the render window. The text size and color are set. There are many properties that can be set that control how the text is changed when the render window is resized, but they are not covered in this example. This example draws text in 2D. For an example using 3D text that can be placed on the scene like a regular vtkActor, s...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/DistanceToCamera (content was: "This example produces two arrows whose scale stays fixed with respect to the distance from the camera (i.e. as you zoom in and out). Standard spheres are drawn for comparison. <div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestDistanceToCamera.png</div> ==DistanceToCamera.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkArrowSource.h> #include <vtkDistanceToCamera.h> #include <vtkGlyph3D.h> #include <vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.h> #inclu...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/DisplayQuadraticSurfaces (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestDisplayQuadraticSurfaces.png</div> This example demonstrates how to display several types of quadratic surfaces. ==DisplayQuadraticSurfaces.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkQuadric.h> #include <vtkSampleFunction.h> #include <vtkContourFilter.h> #include <vtkOutlineFilter.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRendere...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/DisplayCoordinateAxes (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestAxesIndicator.png</div> This example shows how to display the coordinate axes in the render window. :''See also: VTK/Examples/Cxx/GeometricObjects/Axes''. ==DisplayCoordinateAxes.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #in...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/DepthSortPolyData (content was: "<div class="floatright">300px</div> * Contributed by: Lars Friedrich == Brief Description == This is a C++-port of the VTK example '''''' found in VTKSourceDir/Examples/VisualizationAlgorithms/Python. It was slightly modified. It generates 5 spheres with configurable PHI and THETA resolution. The spheres overlap. Therefore, correct blending and visualization in general requires depth sorting of...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/CurvedReformation (content was: "<div class="floatcenter">500px</div> This example makes a curved reformation of a volume. The example requires three parameters: # Input volume # Input polydata that defines a polyline for the reformation. The polyline will be resampled with a cubic spline # Resolution is the result in resolution of the reformation. '''NOTE:''' The image was generated with this volume data: [")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/CurvatureBandsWithGlyphs (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestCurvatureBandsWithGlyphs.png</div> == Description == In this example we are coloring the surface by partitioning the gaussian curvature into bands and using arrows to display the normals on the surface. Rather beautiful surfaces are generated. The banded contour filter and an indexed lookup table are used along with the gaussian curvature filter to generate the banding on the surface. To further enhance...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/CursorShape (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestCursorShape.png</div> ==CursorShape.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> int main(int, char *[]) { // Create a sphere vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphereSource> sphereSource = vtkSmartPointer<...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/Cursor3D (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestCursor3D.png</div> ==Cursor3D.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkCursor3D.h> int main(int, char *[]) { // Create a sphere vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphe...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/Cursor2D (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestCursor2D.png</div> ==Cursor2D.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkCursor2D.h> int main(int, char *[]) { // Create a sphere vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphe...")
- 03:26, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/CubeAxesActor2D (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_Visualization_TestCubeAxesActor2D.png</div> For more information on how to configure this actor, see:<br> This was converted from Python to C++, the source I found for the Python was at:<br> :''See also: [[../../PolyData/Outline]] and ../../Utilities/BoundingBo...")
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/ResamplePolyLine (content was: "<div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_PolyData_TestResamplePolyLine.png</div> This example resamples a polyline with a vtkCardinalSpline. The resampled line will have 10 times the number of points contained in the original polyline. If no XML file is provided, a random polyline is generated. ==ResamplePolyLine.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion...", and the only contributor was "Lorensen" (talk))
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/ReverseSense (content was: "==ReverseSense.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkPointData.h> #include <vtkReverseSense.h> #include <vtkFloatArray.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphereSource> sphereSource = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphereSource>::New(); sphereSource->Update(); vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> pointNormals = vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(sphereSource->GetOutput()->GetPointData()->...")
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/RibbonFilter (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_PolyData_TestRibbonFilter.png</div> This example demonstrates how to draw a flat surface (a ribbon) along a line. ==RibbonFilter.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkCamera.h> #include <vtkCellArray.h> #include <vtkMath.h> #include <vtkLine.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkRenderWind...")
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/RotationAroundLine (content was: "This example demonstrates how to rotate an object around an axis. For the demo, we rotate a cone 10 degrees around the y axis. ==RotationAroundLine.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkConeSource.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.h> #include <vtkTransform.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkXMLPolyDataWriter.h> int main(int, char *[]) { //Create a cone vtkSmartPointer<vtkConeSource> coneSource = vtkSmartPointer<vtkConeSource...")
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/RuledSurfaceFilter (content was: "<div class="floatcenter">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_PolyData_TestRuledSurfaceFilter.png</div> ==RuledSurfaceFilter.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkVersion.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkRuledSurfaceFilter.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkCellArray.h> #include <vtkTransform.h> #include <vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.h> #include <vtkAppendPolyData.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #...")
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/SelectPolyData (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_PolyData_TestSelectPolyData.png</div> ==SelectPolyData.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkSelectPolyData.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkClipPolyData.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkLODActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkSph...")
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/SelectVisiblePoints (content was: "<div class="floatright">File:VTK_Examples_Baseline_PolyData_TestSelectVisiblePoints.png</div> This example demonstrates how to determine which objects are visible. ==SelectVisiblePoints.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkPointSource.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkSelectVisiblePoints.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <v...")
- 03:18, 28 April 2021 Cquammen talk contribs deleted page VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/ShrinkPolyData (content was: "==ShrinkPolyData.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkPolyData.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkShrinkPolyData.h> #include <vtkXMLPolyDataWriter.h> int main(int, char *[]) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphereSource> sphereSource = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphereSource>::New(); sphereSource->SetRadius(10); sphereSource->SetPhiResolution(50); sphereSource->SetThetaResolution(50); sphereSource->Update(); { vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPo...")