DICOM Roadmap Dec2011
From KitwarePublic
Complete GDCM work (Alex)
- Finish adding support for DICOM RT and streaming
- Do not pursue DICOM Networking from GDCM
Create ITK::DCMTK Module
- Use ITK module support to include DCMTK with ITK compilation
- Offer DCMTK Reader/Writer in ITK's IO factory
- Define data structures for specifying which DICOM Object files should be composed into a volume (when reading) or which DICOM Object files were created when saving a volume to disk. The application can optionally serialize these data structures (e.g. in sqlite) so that previously parsed data can be quickly loaded into ITK without needing to be re-parsed.
- Ideally datastructure can also be used by GDCM for reading/writing
Create DICOM-PACS Module for ITK (?)
- Share (via GIT/Superbuild) DCMTK-PACS code from Slicer/CTK
- This is the code used to issue a query and receive a list of files
- The list of files should use the datastructure from ITK::DCMTK Module (Task 2)
- Update ITK to share (via GIT/Superbuild) DCMTK-PACS code from Slicer/CTK
- Offer as DICOM-PACS module in ITK
- Searches returned should be easily passed to the ITK::DCMTK IO facility (Task 2) for reading once transfer has been completed.
- Also, when multiple DICOM objects have been written to disk, the same data structure for writing them should be able to be passed to the DICOM-PACS Module for upload to a PACS
Slicer DICOM-Objects->itk::Image via DCMTK
- Update Slicer so that reading/writing DICOM Objects to/from itk::Image is done via ITK's DCMTK
Setup DICOM-PACS Testing
- Install DICOM Server
- Create DICOM PACS Tests
- ITK-only tests
- ITK+CTK tests
- Slicer tests
- Install tests in CTK and ITK