CTest:Using CTEST and CDASH without CMAKE
This is a short tutorial, which shows how to use CTest scripts to populate a CDash dashboard. It shows how to checkout, configure, compile and test a project with CTest when not using CMake.
As this tutorial is the outcome of a test setup, put together form many different sources, it will and can not be complete. It will only give an good overview. Detailed information can be found on the linked wiki pages or the CTest manual ( $ man ctest ).
Pre-requirements for the example setup
- Project is under subversion control
- No CTest files shall be stored in the project repository
- Use of the autotools build system
Setup files
A set of file is needed to form a complete system.
The steering script. It can be evoked from the command-line or via scheduled tasks for automatic running.
Execute script
$ ctest -S steer.cmake
- use -VV for extra verbosity during debugging
- see also here for the usage of command line arguments.
The example below intends to be a realistic usecase showing non-trivial usage. All code in this paragraph should be in one file. It is "broken up" only for the purpose of explanation.
The first step is the retrieval of the build environment
Get the hostname of current machine
Finds the paths to the program hostname, executes it, stores the result in ${HOSTNAME}. Then the CTEST_SITE variable is set, to be used in CDash.
Get the system information of current machine
find_program(UNAME NAMES uname) macro(getuname name flag) exec_program("${UNAME}" ARGS "${flag}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE "${name}") endmacro(getuname)
Defines the macro getuname, for easy usage of uname
getuname(osname -s) getuname(osrel -r) getuname(cpu -m) set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "${osname}-${cpu}-prod")
Sets the build name, to be used in CDash.
Get necessary executables
The CTest command for svn (subversion) is found and set here:
find_program(CTEST_SVN_COMMAND NAMES svn)
This finds and sets the full path to the executable for make here:
find_program(MAKE NAMES make)
The build specific environment for the project
set(MODEL analysis)
Choose the dashboard group to be filled with this script. Not only the standard build groups (Experimental, Continous, Nighlty) can be chosen, but also build groups which can be defined in CDash.
Set the source and binary directories of your project.
Commands for the execution of CTest
For an initial checkout, the CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND has to be set:
set(CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND "${CTEST_SVN_COMMAND} co http://myRepositoryServer.com/myRepository/trunk ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}")
The initial checkout is only done if you specify the update command ctest_update(SOURCE "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE res) ( see further down), which needs also to be configured :
If one wants to have a clean checkout every time, then the update column of the dashboard will always say 0. Because it was all checked out in the initial checkout and not in the update. However, if one uses the svn flag -yesterday for the initial checkout, the update columns will show the updates which have been done in the last day.
The commands which are executed in ctest_configure and ctest build have to be specified. Both are executed in the binary directory.
set(CTEST_CONFIGURE_COMMAND "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/configure --enable-optimization=3 --disable-debug --enable-doc=mono") set(CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND "/usr/bin/make -j16")
Configure CTest
If the CTest configuration files CTestConfig.cmake, CTestCustom.cmake and CTestTestfile.cmake should or can not be stored in the repository itself, then they can be copied there automatically by CTest.
configure_file($ENV{HOME}/CTestConfiguartion/CTestConfig.cmake ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/CTestConfig.cmake) configure_file($ENV{HOME}/CTestConfiguartion/CTestCustom.cmake ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CTestCustom.cmake) configure_file($ENV{HOME}/CTestConfiguartion/CTestTestfile.cmake ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CTestTestfile.cmake)
- CTestConfig.cmake should be put in the source directory
- CTestCustom.cmake and CTestTestfile.cmake should be put in the binary directory
- Full paths should be given
Then the custom configuration has to be read in.
General CTest settings
set(CTEST_TIMEOUT "7200")
Sets the timeout value for this script in seconds. Here 120 min.
set( $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} "en_EN" )
Set the output language to english, so that CTest can analyze it.
Run CTest
ctest_start(${MODEL} TRACK ${MODEL} )
Starts CTest and assigns the build track to be filled. It creates automatically the binary directory ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}, if not present. Furthermore also the directory ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing is created, where all the result and log files are stored.
Update / Initial checkout
Performs the update from the repository. As the CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND is set here, also the initial checkout done.
Configure build system
The autoreconf command of the autotools package is not supported by standard CTest, so the process has to be called manually.
execute_process(COMMAND "/usr/bin/autoreconf" "-f" "-i" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY} RESULT_VARIABLE autoreconfResult OUTPUT_VARIABLE autoreconfLog ERROR_VARIABLE autoreconfLog) file(WRITE ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/autoreconf.log "${autoreconfLog}")
Runs the autoreconf command stores both stdout and stderr in a log file.
In order to execute the configure/build block only if autoreconf succeeded, they can be put into an if statement
if( NOT ${autoreconfResult} ) ... the other build commands ... endif( NOT ${autoreconfResult} )
Configure / Build block
Configures the project. It is executed in the binary directory.
Builds the project. It is executed in the binary directory.
execute_process(COMMAND "/usr/bin/make install -j 16" "-f" "-i" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY} RESULT_VARIABLE makeInstallResult OUTPUT_VARIABLE makeInstallLog ERROR_VARIABLE makeInstallLog) file(WRITE ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/makeinstall.log "${makeInstallLog}")
Like the autoreconf command, the install command is not part of the standard test. It has to be invoked manually. Both stdout and stderr are written into a log file.
Launch tests
Invokes all tests, defined in CTestTestfile.cmake
Finialize the submission
After the all build steps, the results have to be submitted to CDash via
ctest_submit( RETURN_VALUE res)
This uses the settings of CTestConfig.cmake.
Complete Example
The complete example steer.cmake could look like this :
# ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- Get environment # ----------------------------------------------------------- ## -- Set hostname ## -------------------------- find_program(HOSTNAME_CMD NAMES hostname) exec_program(${HOSTNAME_CMD} ARGS OUTPUT_VARIABLE HOSTNAME) set(CTEST_SITE "${HOSTNAME}") ## -- Set site / build name ## -------------------------- find_program(UNAME NAMES uname) macro(getuname name flag) exec_program("${UNAME}" ARGS "${flag}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE "${name}") endmacro(getuname) getuname(osname -s) getuname(osrel -r) getuname(cpu -m) set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "${osname}-${cpu}-prod") ## -- SVN command ## ---------------- find_program(CTEST_SVN_COMMAND NAMES svn) ## -- make command ## ----------------- find_program(MAKE NAMES make) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- build specific # ----------------------------------------------------------- set(MODEL "analysis") ## -- DashBoard Root set(CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT "$ENV{HOME}/automatedBuild") ## -- SRC Dir set(CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY "${CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT}/src") ## -- BIN Dir set(CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/build-${CTEST_BUILD_NAME}") ## -- Build options set(OPTION_BUILD "-j16") # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- commands # ----------------------------------------------------------- ## -- Checkout command if(NOT EXISTS "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}") set(CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND "${CTEST_SVN_COMMAND} co http://myRepositoryServer.com/myRepository/trunk ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}") endif(NOT EXISTS "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}") ## -- Update Command set(CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND "${CTEST_SVN_COMMAND}") ## -- Configure Command set(CTEST_CONFIGURE_COMMAND "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/configure configure --enable-optimization=3 --disable-debug --enable-doc=mono") ## -- Build Command set(CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND "${MAKE} ${OPTION_BUILD}") # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- Configure CTest # ----------------------------------------------------------- ## -- CTest Config configure_file($ENV{HOME}/CTestConfiguartion/CTestConfig.cmake ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/CTestConfig.cmake) ## -- CTest Custom configure_file($ENV{HOME}/CTestConfiguartion/CTestCustom.cmake ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CTestCustom.cmake) ## -- CTest Testfile configure_file($ENV{HOME}/CTestConfiguartion/CTestTestfile.cmake ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CTestTestfile.cmake) ## -- read CTestCustom.cmake file ctest_read_custom_files("${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}") # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- Settings # ----------------------------------------------------------- ## -- Process timeout in seconds set(CTEST_TIMEOUT "7200") ## -- Set output to english set( $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} "en_EN" ) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- Run CTest # ----------------------------------------------------------- ## -- Start message(" -- Start dashboard ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") ctest_start(${MODEL} TRACK ${MODEL}) ## -- Update message(" -- Update ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") ctest_update( SOURCE "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE res) ## -- Run autoreconf message(" -- Autoreconf ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") execute_process(COMMAND "/usr/bin/autoreconf" "-f" "-i" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY} RESULT_VARIABLE autoreconfResult OUTPUT_VARIABLE autoreconfLog ERROR_VARIABLE autoreconfLog) file(WRITE ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/autoreconf.log "${autoreconfLog}") if( NOT ${autoreconfResult} ) ## -- Configure message(" -- Configure ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") ctest_configure(BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE res) ## -- BUILD message(" -- Build ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") ctest_build( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE res) ## -- INSTALL message(" -- Install ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") execute_process(COMMAND "${MAKE} install ${OPTION_BUILD}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY} RESULT_VARIABLE makeInstallResult OUTPUT_VARIABLE makeInstallLog ERROR_VARIABLE makeInstallLog) file(WRITE ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/makeinstall.log "${makeInstallLog}") ## -- TEST message(" -- Test ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") ctest_test( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE res) endif( NOT ${autoreconfResult} ) ## -- SUBMIT message(" -- Submit ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --") ctest_submit( RETURN_VALUE res) message(" -- Finished ${MODEL} - ${CTEST_BUILD_NAME} --")
This file sets the tranfer parameters that CTest will use when submitting to CDash.
ctest_submit( RETURN_VALUE res)
Several different ways exist to submit results to the dashboard like http, ftp, scp and XML-RPC. However only the http case shall be discussed here. Details can be found an the |CTest Submission Issues page.
This file can be also downloaded from CDash after creating a new project.
set(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "Test-Project") set(CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME "01:00:00 CET") set(CTEST_DROP_METHOD "http") set(CTEST_DROP_SITE "myTestNode.myNetwork.com") set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/cdash/submit.php?project=TestProject") set(CTEST_DROP_SITE_CDASH TRUE)
This file is used to customize CTest. A detailed description of all options, can be found here. In order to be read in properly this file has to be placed in the binary directory ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}.
It can also be read from any other location by specifying
ctest_read_custom_files("<PATH TO CTestCustom.cmake FILE>")
This are only some examples of customization. The full list and detailed description can be found here.
- Change the maximum numbers of warnings
- Change the maximum numbers of errors
- Add fake warnings to a list of exceptions
set(CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION ${CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION} # -- doxygen warnings "are not documented:" "Skipping documentation" )
Every regular expression can be added as exception.
This file specifies the test which should be executed in
The file should be placed in the binary directory ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}.
Each test consists of:
- The unique name of the test ( eg.: testname1 )
- The full path to the executable of the test ( eg.: "$ENV{HOME}/bin/TEST_EXECUTABLE_1.sh" )
- A List of arguments to the executable ( eg.: "$ENV{HOME}ARGUMENT_1" "$ENV{HOME}ARGUMENT_2" etc. )
ADD_TEST(testname1 "$ENV{HOME}/bin/TEST_EXECUTABLE_1.sh" "ARGUMENT_1>") ADD_TEST(testname2 "$ENV{HOME}/bin/TEST_EXECUTABLE_2.sh")