[ITK Community] [Insight-developers] Incorrect origin and spacing when converting DICOM to metaimage

Williams, Norman K norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Mon Nov 11 10:40:43 EST 2013

Try using DCMTKImageIO instead.  This needs to be turned on when you
configure and build ITK.

GDCM has some issues with reading DICOM files. These may or may not be
addressed with a more recent version of GDCM; the last time I tried using
a current version of GDCM I couldn't get ITK to build with it.

Kent Williams norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu

On 11/11/13 9:22 AM, "Mengda Wu" <wumengda at gmail.com> wrote:

>BTW, here is what I got by running gdcminfo (gdcm version 2.4.0) on one
>of the dicoms:
>MediaStorage is 1.2.840.10008. [Secondary Capture Image
>TransferSyntax is 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 [Explicit VR Little Endian]
>NumberOfDimensions: 2
>Dimensions: (512,512,1)
>SamplesPerPixel    :1
>BitsAllocated      :16
>BitsStored         :16
>HighBit            :15
>ScalarType found   :INT16
>PhotometricInterpretation: MONOCHROME2
>PlanarConfiguration: 0
>TransferSyntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
>Origin: (0,0,0)
>Spacing: (1,1,1)
>DirectionCosines: (1,0,0,0,1,0)
>Rescale Intercept/Slope: (-1024,1)
>Orientation Label: AXIAL
>Clearly, from
>The spacing should not be (1,1,1).
>On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Mengda Wu
><wumengda at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi all,
>  I have some dicom images in my new project. But when I tried to convert
>them to the ITK metaimages, the origin and spacing are incorrect even
>though the intensities are right. The origin becomes (0,0,0) and spacing
>is (1,1,1). I am the example
>from ITK 4.4.2. The code does not have any issue with other Dicoms for my
>previous projects. so my guess is the current dicoms miss some fields in
>the header that ITK needs.
>Can you help? I am attaching the fields from one dicom as follows:
>(0002,0000)    Group Length
>Value: 206
>(0002,0001)    File Meta Information Version
>Value: 0
>(0002,0002)    Media Storage SOP Class UID
>Value: 1.2.840.10008.
>(0002,0003)    Media Storage SOP Instance UID
>(0002,0010)    Transfer Syntax UID
>Value: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
>(0002,0012)    Implementation Class UID
>(0002,0013)    Implementation Version Name
>Value: OFFIS_DCMTK_360
>(0008,0008)    Image Type
>(0008,0016)    SOP Class UID
>Value: 1.2.840.10008.
>(0008,0018)    SOP Instance UID
>(0008,0020)    Study Date
>(0008,0022)    Acquisition Date
>Value: 20120116
>(0008,0023)    Image Date
>Value: 20120116
>(0008,0030)    Study Time
>(0008,0033)    Image Time
>Value: 120859.658000
>(0008,0050)    Accession Number
>(0008,0060)    Modality
>Value: CT
>(0008,0070)    Manufacturer
>Value: Philips
>(0008,0080)    Institution Name
>Value: Hide
>(0008,0090)    Referring Physician's Name
>(0008,103E)    Series Description
>Value: Hide
>(0008,1090)    Manufacturer's Model Name
>Value: Brillance 64
>(0010,0010)    Patient's Name
>Value: Patient00
>(0010,0020)    Patient ID
>(0010,0030)    Patient's Birth Date
>Value: NewDOB16
>(0010,0040)    Patient's Sex
>Value: F
>(0010,1010)    Patient's Age
>Value: 054Y
>(0018,0088)    Spacing Between Slices
>Value: 0.449999988
>(0018,1151)    X-ray Tube Current
>Value: 429
>(0020,000D)    Study Instance UID
>(0020,000E)    Series Instance UID
>(0020,0010)    Study ID
>(0020,0011)    Series Number
>(0020,0013)    Image Number
>Value: 1
>(0020,0020)    Patient Orientation
>(0020,0032)    Image Position (Patient)
>Value: 0.200195506\0.200195506\0.224999994
>(0020,0037)    Image Orientation (Patient)
>Value: 1\0\0\0\1\0
>(0020,4000)    Image Comments
>Value: Timepoint Information
>Value: 20120116 120608.154000
>(0028,0002)    Samples per Pixel
>Value: 1
>(0028,0004)    Photometric Interpretation
>(0028,0008)    Number of Frames
>Value: 1
>(0028,0010)    Rows
>Value: 512
>(0028,0011)    Columns
>Value: 512
>(0028,0030)    Pixel Spacing
>Value: 0.400391012\0.400391012
>(0028,0100)    Bits Allocated
>Value: 16
>(0028,0101)    Bits Stored
>Value: 16
>(0028,0102)    High Bit
>Value: 15
>(0028,0103)    Pixel Representation
>Value: 1
>(0028,0106)    Smallest Image Pixel Value
>Value: 0
>(0028,0107)    Largest Image Pixel Value
>Value: 2610
>(0028,1050)    Window Center
>Value: 150
>(0028,1051)    Window Width
>Value: 500
>(0028,1052)    Rescale Intercept
>Value: -1024
>(0028,1053)    Rescale Slope
>Value: 1

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